Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Then the priest who bore the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord stood firm on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan; and all Israel crossed over on dry ground, until all the people had crossed completely over the Jordan. 
Joshua 3:17

 We are all familiar with the story of how Moses was called to help free the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. Not too long after crossing the Red Sea to escape, the Israelites  started complaining and questioning God's provisions. 
Despite their grumblings...God continued to provide for their daily needs. Over a period of 40 years living in the desert,  this group of refugees learned to trust and obey God.

Moses passed on and Joshua became their leader. At that point God gave him the green light to cross the Jordan river into the promised land. Can you imagine how thrilled and excited the Israelites must have felt to finally be in the land hand picked for them by God after spending 40 years wandering in the hot desert? 

Our journey with the Lord will eventually lead us to the promised land, our eternal home in heaven. Until that time we must struggle in the desert. This world is not our home. We have a home, a land much more plentiful without pain and sorrow. Although our time on earth may feel like we are wandering and struggling, God is with you every step of the way...providing for your daily needs. 

The desert experience helped transform the Israelites into a trusting and faithful generation. We can have confidence in knowing every heartache and tough situation we go through in life is for our benefit, part of that "sanctification" process...transforming us more into the likeness of Christ. 

How about you? Are you experiencing the trials of life? That is normal and we need to remember it's for our benefit. God is with Him, thank Him and praise Him for His goodness while in the desert of life....your promised land awaits you! Have a blessed day friends!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself. For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lords. Romans 14:7-8

Over the centuries, wars have been fought. Something that always impressed me is the soldier "fight until death" commitment. No matter how many enemies that came against them, no matter how out numbered they might have been, they took up arms and fought to the bitter end. Their loyalty,  to the nation they served, was without a doubt courageous and victorious. 

As Christians we fight a daily battle against the Devil. His schemes and attacks can weigh us down, make us feel defeated and all alone. My friend, that's right where the devil wants you...alone, fearful and questioning God' promise to protect you and keep you safe. Nothing you can do on your own can defeat Satan. 

Fortunately we have someone who fought that battle for us....Jesus Christ. Although He died for a brief moment in time, He rose again from the grave to claim victory over the greatest enemy known to mankind, Satan. Jesus fought the good fight until the bitter end so you and I could live an eternal life with Him. 

Who are you living for? If you have accepted Christ into your life you should be loyal to the one who saved your soul. Are you willing to surrender your life for His eternal life? There is victory in Jesus Christ. Live for Him each day and call on Jesus to extinquish the flaming arrows of Satan. He'll do it! He is worth living for. Surrender to Him today. 

God bless.

Monday, August 29, 2016

And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing you will receive. Matthew 21:22

I recently overheard a man sharing his struggle to get a lawnmower started. He claimed to have worked on it for over 2 hours. Wow, 2 hours of his time and life had passed...frustrated I'm sure, and most likely he had better things to do with his time. 

As I heard his story I thought to myself...I wonder if he asked God for help?  As Christians, we have an open line of communication with God. He is ready and willing to help us resolve the challenges we face on a daily basis. All we have to do is have faith in Him that He will hear our request and respond. 

The thing we always need to remember is His response time is part of His plan to answer our request. Sometimes we will experience an immediate response, other times that response takes time...possibly years. ‎

The strength of our faith is measured by our trust in Him and willingness to wait on His timely response. Knowing God is looking out for our best interest, we can have confidence in knowing He will respond at the appropriate moment. By waiting on God, we know we are getting the best answer, the best response we could ever hope for. He will bless you for your obedience to wait and trust Him. 

Trust Him with all your concerns and He will respond in a magnificent way...keep the faith! God bless. ‎

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me. Psalm 138:7

 When you look at the definition of "enemy", you see its someone who is against you, someone who wants to do you harm, someone who makes your life uncomfortable of difficult. Mmmm...that person might be your spouse or child. Let's hope not!

As we go through life we encounter people who come against us and can make life difficult...some can make life seem like a living hell. We have to always remember, God can and will sustain us from the attacks of our enemies. We might suffer physically or emotionally...but the solid rock, the firm foundation we stand on is God himself. 
Our enemies draw us closer to God. There are days when I know my enemies are up to something. That's when I pray even more and focus on God's promise to protect me from their attacks. It's totally awesome when I can see God silence the mouths of those lions from their desire to disrupt my life. He always comes through. 

Our enemies are also reminders that Christians have a plentiful harvest of lost souls who need to know Christ and change them from their heart...outwards. Our enemies are most likely non believers...because what Christian would be mean and come against someone else? Right? 

Question, are you someone's enemy? Do you seek to disrupt the calm in someone's life...check yourself against God's a Christ like life is a surrendered life of "self". Pray for your enemies. Continue to love them and always display Christ in your doing so you are a living testimony of your faith. 

Our first defense is God. Bring your enemies before God and let Him fight your battle. He will win every time. God bless friends. ‎

Friday, August 26, 2016

For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than doing evil. For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit, 1 Peter 3:17-18

 Recall a time when you did something special for someone. They were grateful and happy, you felt a sense of satisfaction....maybe someone else recognized your good deeds and expressed their accolades. It's very rewarding to do good things in the eyes of others. 

Sometimes though,  doing something "good" in line with God's will might not have the approval of others. Maybe God has called you to give up something that hinders your relationship with Him..but the thing you give up won't favor well with friends...possibly God has called you down a different career path that results in less money...the list is endless. Unless you live a solitary life, most decisions you make will affect other lives in your circle of friends and family. 

Christ gave himself up to be judged and condemned to die on a cross. Can you imagine the pressure He experienced from His disciples to not let this happen? They wanted Him to live....they cherished His existence and loved Him. As we all know, Christ was 100 percent faithful to God and surrendered His life that paid the sin debt of mankind. His obedinece to God paved the way for us to have a personal relationship with the creator of everything and everyone. 

What challenges and influences are you facing today that aren't  favored by friends or family? You know deep in your heart God is directing you down a certain path....Friend...FOLLOW GOD and don't turn aside from His direction. It might not be in other's best interest...but it is the will of God. By following in faithful obedience, you will be blessed and something much greater will result from doing the will of God. 

Walk in faithful obedience to His calling. It's a step in the right direction. God bless! ‎

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need. Ephesians 5:28

Have you ever stole anything? If you have, the feeling of having something "more" was probably short lived and hopefully a feeling of guilt for your wrong doing followed which then lead to regret. When you read today's passage you see it talks about a thief. Most likely someone who doesn't work and his means for survival is to steal from those blessed with plenty. 

The second part of this passage is encouraging..."that he may have something to give him who has need". Not only does it say to stop stealing and get a also says once working and earning money to give to those in need. 

The question for the day: "are you robbing God of your wealth and abundance"?  You see, everything you have worked so hard for is actually blessings from God. We like to think that we "earned" our education, home, job and wealth. But the fact of the matter, God created you with talents and abilities to be the person you are and has blessed your life with more than other Americans and others worldwide. 

My challenge for today...let lose some of your blessings and give to others in "need". God loves a cheerful giver and will bless you even more for your selfless acts of service and giving to a world who needs to see the "Savior" in action. By giving of your self and model the love of Christ to others....opening up the opportunity to share the word of Christ. 

Trust me friends, that $5 or $20 bill in your wallet will go much further when you place it in needy hands than holding onto it. Give it a try today and experience the joy of giving! God will bless you and others will be blessed by your willingness to share your abundance.  Give freely, give generously, give today! God bless friend! ‎

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

No one will strengthen himself
Who lives in iniquity. 
Ezekiel 7:13 (b)
Let's face it, it takes strength and determination to succeed on a daily basis. We are bombarded with daily challenges and obligations that can zap all of our energy. It's important to take care of right, exercise and get adequate sleep. Never take your health for granted. 

As Christians, we also have an inner strength, the Holy Spirit, who guides us through the day, providing Godly wisdom to help us make right decisions and vision to see clearly the path ahead. We have the power of His Spirit available to us 24/7. ‎

So why are we weak and tired so often, make wrong choices and seem to flounder throughout the day feeling like we have no purpose or direction? It could be the deliberate sin that is in our life. God is Holy and righteous. Sin hinders the connection we have to the Spirit. When we sin we become spiritually weak and can literally wither away from the inside out. 
We all will sin. We live in a fallen world. But, when we stay "on guard" to temptations and say no to sin, we get spiritually stronger throughout the day...Ready to fight the next temptation or challenge that comes our way. It's a moment by moment decision to stay focused on God so we can draw upon the greatest source of power available..the Holy Spirit. 

Make the decision today to stay in touch with God through constant prayer, turn from temptations and His Spirit will strengthen you continually. By the end of the day you will feel refreshed instead of defeated. Walk in obedience and see the blessings He has for you. God bless. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold of eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 1 Timothy 6:11-12

For the majority of us, we work hard and invest in our future in hopes of one day retiring and enjoying the benefits of our labor. A good retirement plan will result in financial freedom that was worth the sacrifices and dedicated investment over many years. Hopefully we all can live to see a fruitful retirement. 

For Christians, we have something even far greater than retirement...eternal life in Heaven with Jesus. Are you investing in your eternal life? God called us to live a life modeled after Christ. Totally separate from the world's financial investments, Godly characteristics displayed in a Christian's life will result in crowns of righteousness for the obedient Child of God. 

Are you living out the traits above? If you struggle in some of these areas (we all do at times), ask God for His help to empower you. He will strengthen you as you surrender more and more of your life to allow His holiness to fill you to the point these traits overflow from you to others. 

What plan are you investing in today? Make deposits in your eternal plan....the benefits never end. Have an awesome and blessed Tuesday friends! ‎

Monday, August 22, 2016

You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.
James 5:8

While out riding this weekend I encountered numerous storms with heavy rain. At times the entire roadway was covered in water, which at that point I had to slow down to avoid the risk of hydroplaning. Hydroplaning is the result of tires losing contact with the surface of the road because water separates the tires from the asphalt. To avoid hydroplaning, you must slow down so water can be routed away from between the tires and road surface through the tread in your tires.

As Christians, we too must slow down in life. We get so busy with work, hobbies, activities and other commitments that we lose touch with God.  It seems like the "to do list" grows rapidly and there is no time in the day to complete everything....we stress and worry about getting it all done....leaving no time spent with God.

SLOW DOWN friend....without our focus on God, we will be out of control and eventually end up in a spiritual wreck......which will bring us back on our knees asking for forgiveness for lack of time and attention to God. And sometimes, we just need to stop seek shelter in the loving hands of God..shielding us from the horrific storms that come in our life.

Does your life seem to be moving at a rapid pace? Storms are coming your way...time to slow down and stand on firm ground with the Lord through much prayer and time reading God's word. Doing so will keep your feet on solid ground and prepared for life's  hazards ahead. Travel patiently, travel safely, travel with God......have a blessed Monday friends!  

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
Isaiah 41:10
For He Himself has said: "I will never leave you nor forsake you"
Hebrews 13:5

If you are like me, you enjoy statistics. % of people will be involved in a crash, make a million dollars, die from...whatever. If something is going to happen to you....there are statistics to prove it.
I like to refer to it as the 1% rule. 1% of people in my little world will encounter something bad today...will it be me?

Maybe the stats aren't going your way. Are you the 1%? Maybe you are dealing with a health issue, divorce, wayward child, financial or relationship. The list is endless and most days we can feel like we are that 1%. UGH....will it ever end?? Well...statistically speaking 2 people die every second of each day it will end eventually.

But, until our "end" happens what can we there any relief? YES! God is with you always. matter what happens in life, God is ALWAYS there 100% of the time. He never leaves you nor forsakes you. He knows exactly what you are going through and wants you to lean on Him. So often when we fall in that 1% category we quickly turn our attention away from God and on the problem. By doing so, we become blind to God's light leading us down the narrow pathway through the issue facing us.

I can tell you, through every 1% crises, God has helped see me through the difficult situation and things on the other side have resulted in blessings when I trusted in Him. The most difficult challenge is letting go and letting Him take control. Once we do that....He can do great and mighty things.  

Will you be the 1% today? If so, have confidence in knowing God is with you 100% of the time. He is ready and able to help see you through the difficulty. Give it to Him today. Have an awesome Sunday friends and God bless!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. ‎

But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, established, strengthen, and settle you. To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever, Amen. 
1 Peter 5:8-11

As Christians we are engaged in a daily battle that wages war on our soul. Although we have been saved by grace and nothing can take away our salvation....the devil strikes at us with his weapons of temptation to make us take our focus off God. The lure and attraction of his tempting pleasures have destroyed many Christians reputations and lives as humans. 

That's why it's so important to turn our attention away from anything worldly that we know will result in sinful actions. Every step we take, every decision we make...thoughts and words...all should be screened by God's holy word, the bible. 

If you hear a voice inside saying..."danger...this isn't right"...friend that is the Holy Spirit talking to you. Listen to His voice and respond appropriately. By doing so you will avoid unnecessary pain and heartache. 

Everyone who has trusted in and accepted Jesus Christ into their life, has and will continue to be challenged in their walk with the Lord. Keep your focus on God at ALL times and turn not towards those subtle things that you know are wrong. God will bless you for your obedience. 
Have an awesome Saturday friends and God Bless!!‎

Friday, August 19, 2016

Good morning friends. I am currently driving back home from a business trip. I will write a devotion later today. I hope everyone is having an awesome Friday! Thanks for checking in!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. ‎
Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. 
Matthew 7:13-14

This week I have been on a business trip to Florida. At night I got out to see the sights and sounds of the beach community. People walking everywhere in families or couples. Very few were walking by themselves. For the majority of us, we thrive by being around others. 

There will come a day when we will all walk alone when we face God and his judgment upon our life. The real question to ask....have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? If not, your journey will continue to a place called Hell. Upon death there is no changing your either accept Him or deny His presence in your life. 

Unfortunately, many will find Hell to be their eternal home because they have followed the crowd and desired what the world provides...short lived moments of self satisfaction followed by times of emptiness. It doesn't have to be that way. 

God gave His Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for our sin. Jesus bridged that gap between sinful man and God's holy existence. There is only one way to eternal life in Heaven and that is by accepting Jesus Christ into your life, believe in Him and ask for His forgiveness of your sinful past and future. By doing so, you are "coverd by the blood of Christ"...the only identifier as a Child of God. 

Where are you journeying today? Are you walking on a wide path, heading towards eternal doom? Or...walking daily with Christ in humble obedience to His way and His direction for your life. Nothing we do will get us into Heaven...only by accepting Him and living life under His following and care. 

Pray to God something like this..."Dear God, I am a sinner and I know I deserve Hell. I believe in Jesus Christ and ask for your forgiveness of my sins and I ask that Jesus come into my life and save my soul. I want to live for you Jesus and find my eternal destination with you one day. Help me as we journey together." amen! God bless you friend as you journey through life with Christ. ‎

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

When He assigned to the sea it's limit,
So that the waters would not transgress His command. 
Proverbs 8:14

The ocean is a beautiful creation of God. The constant waves hitting the shore and the miles of endless blue water. Many people travel a great distance just to witness it's beauty and find tranquility in its presence. You could say the ocean is a blessing to those who appreciate it's splendor. 

What is truly amazing is its limit, it's confinement to the sandy shoreline. It doesn't ever cross that threshold under normal conditions. When it does cross that line, it brings with it catastrophic destruction. Therefore, God limits is quantity for our benefit. 

I say all of this leading up to the question, do you long for God to bless you with more money, more children, a bigger home or maybe just better living conditions? We all have desires for bigger and better things....its only human nature to want more. But is more better?

Usually when I "want more", is when I take my focus off what God has blessed me with here and now...and I forget how I had much less previously.  So often we forget what God has done and blessed us with so much. You next breath is a blessing...and miracle.  Thank Him. 

As much as we don't want to hear it, God limits His blessings in our life. He knows how much blessings to shower our lives with...too much could have catastrophic consequences. He knows this, that's why He limits what you currently have. 

We serve a great and mighty God, who loves us and wants the best for our lives. Too many blessings will result in a hindered relationship with the One who meets our daily needs. Thank Him today for His rich blessings. God bless!  ‎

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

And who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good? But even if you should suffer for righteousness sake, you are blessed. "And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled." 
1 Peter 3:13-14

I recall a time when I was in grade school and I rode the bus with older kids (I lived in the country...we all rode together) to school. On several bus rides I talked to one of the older kids about Christ. He was all rough and tough...and didn't want to hear of it...but I still pursued him. My childlike faith defied fear. 

As adults, we often keep the message of Jesus Christ to ourselves. We fear rejection, we fear what others will think...will they call us "Jesus freaks". As we pass through each day trying to live a righteous life, we miss the whole purpose of our attempt to model Christ...salvation. 

I'm reminded of the many stories in the bible of Christians persecuted or put to death for their belief in Christ. Today, millions of Christians live under threat of torture and death for having any association or conversation about Jesus. 

We live in a land of total freedom. God blessed this great nation with freedom. The very ones who founded this country were looking for a land where their expression of faith in Christ could be without hindrance. So many have provided and blessed so you can share the good news of Christ. 

What are you waiting for? The door of freedom is still open America. No matter what others say or, as a follower of Jesus Christ, have been called to spread the word. Share Jesus with someone today and lets restore this country to a Godly matter the cost. ‎

Monday, August 15, 2016

O Lord God of hosts,

 Who is mighty like You, O Lord?

 Your faithfulness also surrounds You.

 You rule the raging sea;

 When its waves rise, You still them.

 Psalm 89:8-9


Nothing you face in life is too big for God. He created everything around you, including yourself. He designed you in a unique way, there is no one else like you. God gave you talents and abilities to be useful for His purpose.


So often we feel overwhelmed by life's challenges or discouraged by our personal "weaknesses" and imperfections. Because of our limited view of self we hinder God's working hand in our life.


The very one who can calm the raging seas can give you the strength and courage to do great and mighty things. He is faithful and will equip you for each day's battles. Put your weaknesses and challenges before him through prayer and faith that He will empower you to make it through another day. God has great plans for your life.....give Him all you have and He will bless you! God bless friends.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of the light.
Ephesians 5:8

Have you ever sat by a fire at night? The fire warms every part of your body exposed to the flames; and the flames light up the darkness. I enjoy a good fire, especially in the fall and winter months. What is interesting, when you walk away from the fire your body cools off quickly...making you want to run back to warm up!

The Christian life is no different. God calls us "children of the light". We are to be like a fire everywhere we go....radiating out Christ love to others and opening up communication with people who live in the cold darkness...seeking warmth.  We can only do this as long as we are totally focused on Him.

Unfortunately as humans, we get easily distracted by things not worthy of our time and effort...and when we take our focus off God, its like we slowly walk away from the fire. Almost immediately we begin to cool off. As we continue to involve ourselves with the distractions of life we cool off more and the point where we have no fire left in us. Maybe a few embers to say....we are still a "child of the light".

Friend, if this is your situation, you can always "fan the flames" and regenerate the fire that lives inside of you. You can start by coming to the source of the fire....God! On your knees in prayer....repent of your ineffectiveness and ask Him to restore your relationship with Him. He will rekindle the Holy Spirit living inside of you and make you a living fire for those around you! 

Take your burning embers to church this morning and worship God! That's a great place to regenerate your fire with other believers on fire for the Lord. The Holy Spirit of God will flame those embers into a mighty fire for His service. A desire and willingness to move back towards the light is all you need to rekindle your flame! Do it today! See ya at church! God bless!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

And it happened that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever and dysentery. Paul went to him and prayed, and he laid his hands on him and healed him.  So when this was done, the rest of those on the island who had diseases also came and were healed. Acts 28:8-9

In chapters of Acts 27 - 28 we read about Paul's journey to Rome, while under arrest for his testimony about Christ. On the long journey by ship, they encountered a horrific storm and crashed on the island of Malta, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.  Upon shore, they met natives of the island who greeted them and offered much hospitality.

Paul met the leader of the local area, Publius, and stayed with him for three days. While there, Paul was able to pray with them and healed the sick....including Publius's father. This shipwreck experience opened up the opportunity for Paul to preach the word of Christ to a group of people on this very remote island.

Have you ever had a situation happen that felt like you were shipwrecked on a remote island and there was no help in sight? As Christians, we will encounter difficult times in life that will put us in places that are outside our comfort zone. But, through our challenging situation, God has a plan already mapped out and purpose for our shipwreck experience. He uses us in miraculous ways to bring honor and glory to Him in some of the darkest times and places of our life.

When  we encounter these moments of loss, pain or feelings of loneliness, we need to be reminded of God's word in Isaiah 41:10 "Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am  your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand". Although shipwrecked on this island, the natives provided food and shelter for them. God provided for their needs in the most difficult situation.

God will provide for our needs in all circumstances of life if we keep our focus and loyalty to Him. I can't tell you the number of times God has provided refreshing moments of relief in the middle of a crisis. Clearly it was God's right hand providing for my care. He will do the same for you! 

Don't despair the next time you are shipwrecked in the most precarious place in life. God will provide for your needs...and the most beautiful thing to remember...God already had this planned and will lead you in the days and months ahead to keep your journey moving forward in life. Keep your focus on Him, lean on Him, trust in Him and He will guide your way! Happy sailings! God bless!

Friday, August 12, 2016

But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill it's lusts. Romans 13:14

How do we "put on" Jesus Christ? His life was very contrary to the "norm". He was patient, kind, loving, compassionate, forgiving and full of wisdom. Very few people in the world possess all of these character traits at one time. 

Putting on Christ starts in our heart and mind. What we "feed" our mind and pursue in life shapes us from the inside outward. The places we go, things we do and see and the people we surround ourselves with all influence the core of our being. That core becomes our mindset and is reflected outward. 

To shape that inner self in a positive way, we need to avoid places, things and people that lure us into sin. Removing the temptations from our life will help in our walk with the Lord. Feeding our mind with God's word, attending church and becoming active by serving others helps transforms us into the image of Christ. 

Change what's on the inside and the result will be an image of Christ on the outside. That's "putting on Christ". What's on your inside? If it's not God approved, ask Him to help you remove those toxic things from your life so you can be more of a reflection of Him in your daily life.   Have a blessed Friday friends! ‎

Thursday, August 11, 2016

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not men. Colossians 3:23

If you are like most people, you enjoy being recognized and rewarded for your accomplishments and achievements. As I type, athletes are competing in the Summer Olympics. They have worked so hard to be on the world's stage of competition against others who have come so far to achieve the gold. 
Their rewards are metals, worldwide  recognition and possibly endorsements from major companies which could result in significant income. For the genuine athlete, they don't usually win for the metals, money or recognition, they win because they are passionate about the sport they've dedicated their life to training to get better and better. Their final reward, perfecting their performance. 

As Christians, we have a job to do...and that is to share the love of Christ and train ourselves to live a more "Christ-like" life. Unlike athletes who work hard for themselves, we live our life for the Lord...our rewards are awaiting us in Heaven...and they are eternal. 

God blesses us by our surrendering self to do for others and share the message of Jesus Christ. Those blessings are the encouragement that keeps us moving and working harder to become more the resemblance of Christ. Who are you living your life for? You, others or our loving Savior and Lord? 

Eternal rewards await us for living in obedience to God. Live for Him each day by resembling Christ like characteristics in your thoughts, word and actions and give God the recognition. He will bless you for all eternity. Have an awesome day friends. God bless

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1

If you have ever had to use a flashlight while walking out in the woods, you know it is your best friend! The light shows you the path ahead and can be focused towards sounds and things that frighten you. If you haven't spent much time in the woods, it can be a humbling experience for those easily frightened.

David, the writer of this Psalm, expressed the same confidence in his light....God! When his life was at stake and his enemies threatened his existence....he put his total faith and trust in the Lord to protect him and guide him through difficult times. I've found that when we rely on a light, we draw closer to it.....almost like our body wraps around the center of its source for vision, protection and confidence.

Maybe you are going through a difficult time (aren't we all these days) and the path ahead is appears to be uncertain, even frightening. When you don't know which way to go or what to do....put your faith and trust in God and He will shine the light ahead as you walk in confidence knowing His presence is with you. I've found in my life, the more I put my total trust in Him, His light shines through the darkest moments of life.

Who is the source of your light? Turn on the power of God's light by kneeling in prayer and asking God to lead and guide you down the road of uncertainty. He will bless you for your reliance upon Him as you journey forward in confidence knowing the Lord is with you always. Keep your light shining bright and your faith in the Lord strong!  Have a blessed Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

But you have not so learned Christ, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to deceitful lust, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:20-24

Everyday we wake up, shower and put on a new set of clothes. Feeling clean and fresh, we are ready for the day.
The same is true in our Christian walk. Each morning we should wake up with a prayer to help us center our attention on Him. Shower ourselves with God's holy word and devotion and put on a new mindset for the day. 

So often though, our spiritual journey is like a kid who has a favorite shirt or pants...they dig through the dirty laundry and wear it another day. Why? Because they are comfortable in it and it feels good. Even though it might smell bad....they are gonna wear it...I know this personally...I have raised kids! :) 

Do you find yourself digging through the dirty laundry of your former life? Comfortable indulging in yesterday's sins? You may feel comfortable in what you are doing, but it stinks to God....and those around you.  And honestly...if you feel comfortable living in repeated need to do a spiritual checkup. ‎

As a child of God, you have been washed in the blood...made clean and fresh for His service. Don't tarnish that freshness with old sinful habits...put on the new stuff..."Christ like characteristics". Trust me, God will be pleased and those around you will benefit from your Christ centered life. Walk fresh and clean with the Lord today. God bless. ‎

Monday, August 8, 2016

For you brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. Galatians 5:13

Imagine being released from jail, serving a 10 year term for an offense you were found guilty. The very last thing you would want to do is commit the same offense in your new found freedom. Who wants to spend time in jail?

As a Christian, Jesus Christ paid your "sin debt". Upon acceptance of His free gift of Salvation, your debt to sin was paid in full. So why would you continue in the very sinful lifestyle that Jesus sacrificed His life to give you eternal freedom?

Unfortunately, our response is usually "my flesh is weak". Granted, it is weak and we live in a world that cultivates a lifestyle contrary to holiness. But that is no excuse for participating in a deliberate sinful lifestyle. "For God did not call us to uncleanness (impurity), but in holiness (1 Thessalonians 4:7).

Lets face it, living a "Christ like" lifestyle is much different than living by the world's standards. We MUST remove those things from our life that represent the world (sinful living) and walk in total obedience to God. How do we accomplish this transformation?

1. Prayer. Prayer is the key to keeping the Spirit active in our life. God gave us His Spirit to reside is us, to help us avoid sinful behavior and He communicates to us. We can't do it by our own strength...its spiritual warfare...we NEED God's help to battle Satan and the temptations we face.

2. Clean house! We need to remove those things from our home and life that take away from living a holy lifestyle. I did away with cable tv over a year ago and you'd be amazed how peaceful it is in my home!  Maybe you need to chunk face book, alcohol, magazines, videos...the list can be endless. If it tarnishes your walk with the NEEDs to go!

3. Read your bible. The holy word of God is written by God through man. There is NOTHING on this planet more truthful and direct than the bible. There may be passages that you don't agree with, but who are you to challenge God? He created the world you live in and you! Read it and experience it as it transforms your thinking and living a more righteous lifestyle acceptable to God!

Do these things and your life will reflect the lifestyle God longs for you to have. By doing so He will bless you richly!  Have a blessed day friends!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

He asked them, "How many loaves do you have?" They responded "Seven".
So He commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground. And He took the seven loaves and gave thanks, broke them and gave them to His disciples to set before them; and they set them before the multitude. They also had a few small fish; and having blessed them, He said to set them also before them. So they ate and were filled, and they took up seven large baskets of leftover fragments.
Mark 8: 5-8

People came from all over to meet Jesus, listen to His profound words of wisdom and see Him perform miracles. On this day it was estimated that four thousand people were in attendance. Following Jesus for 3 days with no food, Jesus took a break to round up the resources available and feed everyone. Can you imagine what the disciples thought, knowing they only had  seven loaves of bread and a few small fish? Through another miracle of Jesus, everyone was fed and seven baskets of food was left over!

I like to relate this story to the life of a Christian. Many times we can feel so inadequate to serve God in a meaningful way. Our busy lives, constant battle with sin and the few hours in the day just make it seem impossible for God to use us for His glory. Quickly evaluating our available time and daily challenges...we feel overwhelmed and simply ignore opportunities to serve Him in our church and community.

Our  human minds can't understand what God can do with our limited resources.  Trust me friend, He can use our life for His service if we take time to surrender it to Him...even if its one hour....He will multiply your act of service and use it in a special way. Telling others about Jesus, performing some act of kindness for a neighbor or loved one or simply taking a moment to smile at someone and tell them how much you appreciate them can make a difference in the lives of doing so you are sharing the love of Jesus with those around you!  

With your faithful act of service, no matter how small it is, God will bless others and yourself! Just do it! Pray for God to allow you to see opportunities to serve Him and watch Him multiply your resources far beyond what you could ever imagine! Have an awesome Sunday friends and God bless!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

In the darkest shadows of the night
lies a young woman shackled by her addiction.
All hope is gone
nothing else matters.
Pushing out the painful memory...
of her past.
Never enough, she seeks more
of the thing that anchors her soul to Hell.
Who will help her;
who will unlock her from eternal bondage?
Jesus Christ can
but who will tell her?
Who will share the love;
the love of grace?
Children of the forgiven;
Child of can speak the truth.
Giving up the key to unlock the chains
that can fall from its prisoner.
The blood of Christ fell to the ground;
for you and me.
Pick up the key
to unlock the captives from their eternal death.
Share the word
share the good news of Jesus Christ.
We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him. 
We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one. 
1 John 5:18-19

Do you have a drinking problem? Let me rephrase you have a "sin" problem? Truth of the matter is, we all have a drinking problem. Our fleshly nature is bent towards "sin". We sometimes experience the strongest desire towards sin like an alcoholic who desires his next drink. 

No matter how holy we think we are, sinful desires, thoughts and attitudes still persist. We live in a world that is intoxicating to the human body. Satan has lead this world down a path of unrighteousness, from the very beginning with Adam and Eve. 

But, we have One who is greater than he who is in the world...Jesus Christ. He defeated Satan and his attempt to rule the world. As Christians, our life should follow Jesus example...avoiding sin at all cost. He equips us with His Spirit to help us overcome the desire to sin..."By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit." 1John 4:13. 

Avoiding the desire to sin takes a conscience effort and a deep desire to please God and NOT ourselves. It all starts with one simple thought...and left unchecked will turn into a regretful action. Stop it at the thought and give it to God in prayer and ask for His strength to help you in your desire to walk in total obedience. 

"Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has bee approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.". James 1:12. Do you love the Lord enough to walk in obedience? If so walk away from sin and walk towards the light of Christ. You're guaranteed to live a more Christlike life and blessings will follow. God bless friends! ‎

Friday, August 5, 2016

For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. 
Ephesians 2:10

Kendall and Cody just had their baby boy. The joy of becoming a grandparent....reflections of raising Kendall and the sweet memories she and Cody will have in the days and years to come. A new life in the family is truly a blessing. 

God's creation is nothing but a miracle. As parents we have an awesome responsibility to align our plans of raising our children with God's plan to do good works for our Lord. How can we know God's plan for our children? Through daily prayer and seeking His direction as we nurture this new life. 

Praying God's blessings on Carter Michael Anderson and Kendall and Cody as they fulfill their role as God's caretakers over His precious creation. God bless. 

Thursday, August 4, 2016

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trails, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.  James 1:2-4

This morning God lead me to this scripture and 3 simple words: "Pain Produces Perfection". Its hard to understand how perfection can come from pain, but its God's way of shaping and molding us into His image. To be like Christ, we need to have patience...its a slow process of living, learning, living and learning. Over and over we go through life experiences that challenge our way of thinking and test our will....and sometimes our sanity!

Oftentimes God allows painful situations to come into our lives not to destroy us, but to show us the power of His presence in our lives. When we have NOTHING left in us to move forward, we fall into the loving sweet arms of Jesus and draw on His strength to carry on with our life. Although the scars are there and the painful memories persist, God sustains us as we continue to move towards perfection. As Christians, we will enter the holy presence of God in a perfect state..we will be like Him!

Don't look at your trails and tribulations as a tool to destroy you! They are meant to move you towards a state of perfection. Christlikeness equals perfection....are you moving in the right direction? Keep the faith, keep Jesus front and center at all times and you will carry on towards our sweet home in Heaven! God bless!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

But He, being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity, and did not destroy them. Yes, many a time He turned His anger away, and did not stir up all His wrath. 
For He remembered that they were but flesh, a breath that passes away does not come again. 
Psalm 78:38-39

We read in the bible about God's own people, the Israelites, were freed from Egyptian slavery and set a course for a new land..."flowing with milk and honey"...yet they challenged God, questioned God's faithfulness to provide and did their own in disobedience. 

As Christians, we are traveling to a new land, rich in all the luxuries of Heaven and blessings of being in the presence of God. We have so much to look forward to as we journey through life. 

Yet, so often we take our focus off God and look at the tangible things and people of the world and rely on them for our happiness. After a while these temporary things either lose their luster or go away and we are heartbroken, lost and fearful. A life focused on the world will guarantee an emotional roller-coaster of ups and downs. 

How God longs for us to release ourselves from the world and learn to trust in Him to supply all of our needs; surrender our selfish ways and fleshly desires to walk in strict obedience to His word. When we keep our focus on Him, nothing will sting our spirit...we will journey with confidence as we travel toward our home in Heaven. 

Fix your eyes on Him, walk in obedience and trust He will guide your every step and see the blessings that await you as you travel through the world. God bless friends. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. James 4:10

There are so many things in life that can worry us, stress us out and cause pain/heartache that it brings us down. The majority of our worries and things that keep us awake at night are totally out of our control. 

So why do they consume us? Because our faith is weak in the Lord and we want to control things "our way"! Sound familiar? We try to control and manipulate things and people because we think that will help us and make us happy. In the end we experience painful regrets to the things that we tried to control. 

Friends, God has a plan. Although things in your life seem to have no real direction or purpose...God has a plan and purpose for your life. He is ready and willing to help you move forward in life...but you first need to surrender your worries and control to Him. Once you do, His hand can freely work unobstructed in your life to reveal His perfect plan for your life and the lives of those around you. 

Humble yourselves, surrender the "you" for Him and watch His blessings open up in your life as He works to light your path forward. God bless!! ‎
Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. 
1 Corinthians 2:12

Have you ever visited a foreign country where no one around you spoke your language? It can be a helpless feeling. No matter how hard you try to communicate with a foreigner, your words just aren't understood. 

Our creator, God, developed a plan to openly and freely communicate with each one of us. His son, Jesus Christ, bridged the communication barrier between God and mankind. 

We live in a world that is foreign to God's word and the message of Jesus Christ. There is a growing family of believers who are working to break that language barrier by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in their little circle of influence, but there is a lot more areas to reach...some right here in the land of freedom. 

Have you done anything to help others learn the language of God and share the good news of Jesus Christ? We are called to do that very thing....all we have to do is act in obedience. Don't be ashamed, don't be discouraged....we live in a foreign world to God's ways...some will refuse to listen....others are so eager and hungry for this new language. All you have to do is take the first step and share with others. 

Spread the gospel and God will bless you for your obedience. The more people who learn the Christian language, the more positive influence there will be in our communities and country. Step out in faith today. God bless!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Do you know where your spirit will go upon death? According to the bible there are two places of eternal life...heaven or hell. Many people I have come across are unsure where they will go; oftentimes they believe if they live a good life, they will be rewarded with heaven. Let's look at what scripture says:

1. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 As humans we are born into sin, we are separated from God because of the sin that separates us from His pure holiness. ‎

2. For the wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23. 
The punishment for our sin is death, not a physical death, but a spiritual death...eternally separated from God in Hell for all eternity. 

3. But God commendeth His love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
God has a plan to help man be forgiven of their sin, that is through a sacrifice. God gave us His son, Jesus Christ, as "payment" for our sins. He died on the cross as a sinless man for you and me. 

4. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13. To accept God's free gift of Jesus sacrifice, all you have to do is sincerely ask for God's forgiveness of your sins, believe in Jesus Christ and that He died for your sins, and ask him to come into your life and save your spirit. When you do, the Holy Spirit of God comes and resides inside of you for all eternity. You are now a Child of God and your eternal home will be in Heaven. 

So what about it? Have you accepted Christ into your life or are you trying your hardest to live "right"? You won't get to heaven by your own doing. The sooner you understand that and realize your helpless without God, the sooner you will desire to have Christ's sacrifice cover you in forgiveness and have a peace knowing you are truly saved.   

Pray a prayer to God something like this: "Dear God, I am a sinner and I know I deserve Hell. But I do believe in Jesus Christ and that He lived on earth and died on a cross for my sins. I ask Jesus to come into my life, forgive me of my sins  and save my soul. Thank you Jesus for saving me.". 

If you prayed that prayer, congratulations and welcome to the family of God. If you accepted Christ, please let me pray for can email me through my blog page. Have a blessed day friend. ‎