Thursday, August 4, 2016

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trails, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.  James 1:2-4

This morning God lead me to this scripture and 3 simple words: "Pain Produces Perfection". Its hard to understand how perfection can come from pain, but its God's way of shaping and molding us into His image. To be like Christ, we need to have patience...its a slow process of living, learning, living and learning. Over and over we go through life experiences that challenge our way of thinking and test our will....and sometimes our sanity!

Oftentimes God allows painful situations to come into our lives not to destroy us, but to show us the power of His presence in our lives. When we have NOTHING left in us to move forward, we fall into the loving sweet arms of Jesus and draw on His strength to carry on with our life. Although the scars are there and the painful memories persist, God sustains us as we continue to move towards perfection. As Christians, we will enter the holy presence of God in a perfect state..we will be like Him!

Don't look at your trails and tribulations as a tool to destroy you! They are meant to move you towards a state of perfection. Christlikeness equals perfection....are you moving in the right direction? Keep the faith, keep Jesus front and center at all times and you will carry on towards our sweet home in Heaven! God bless!

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