Wednesday, August 17, 2016

When He assigned to the sea it's limit,
So that the waters would not transgress His command. 
Proverbs 8:14

The ocean is a beautiful creation of God. The constant waves hitting the shore and the miles of endless blue water. Many people travel a great distance just to witness it's beauty and find tranquility in its presence. You could say the ocean is a blessing to those who appreciate it's splendor. 

What is truly amazing is its limit, it's confinement to the sandy shoreline. It doesn't ever cross that threshold under normal conditions. When it does cross that line, it brings with it catastrophic destruction. Therefore, God limits is quantity for our benefit. 

I say all of this leading up to the question, do you long for God to bless you with more money, more children, a bigger home or maybe just better living conditions? We all have desires for bigger and better things....its only human nature to want more. But is more better?

Usually when I "want more", is when I take my focus off what God has blessed me with here and now...and I forget how I had much less previously.  So often we forget what God has done and blessed us with so much. You next breath is a blessing...and miracle.  Thank Him. 

As much as we don't want to hear it, God limits His blessings in our life. He knows how much blessings to shower our lives with...too much could have catastrophic consequences. He knows this, that's why He limits what you currently have. 

We serve a great and mighty God, who loves us and wants the best for our lives. Too many blessings will result in a hindered relationship with the One who meets our daily needs. Thank Him today for His rich blessings. God bless!  ‎

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