Monday, August 8, 2016

For you brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. Galatians 5:13

Imagine being released from jail, serving a 10 year term for an offense you were found guilty. The very last thing you would want to do is commit the same offense in your new found freedom. Who wants to spend time in jail?

As a Christian, Jesus Christ paid your "sin debt". Upon acceptance of His free gift of Salvation, your debt to sin was paid in full. So why would you continue in the very sinful lifestyle that Jesus sacrificed His life to give you eternal freedom?

Unfortunately, our response is usually "my flesh is weak". Granted, it is weak and we live in a world that cultivates a lifestyle contrary to holiness. But that is no excuse for participating in a deliberate sinful lifestyle. "For God did not call us to uncleanness (impurity), but in holiness (1 Thessalonians 4:7).

Lets face it, living a "Christ like" lifestyle is much different than living by the world's standards. We MUST remove those things from our life that represent the world (sinful living) and walk in total obedience to God. How do we accomplish this transformation?

1. Prayer. Prayer is the key to keeping the Spirit active in our life. God gave us His Spirit to reside is us, to help us avoid sinful behavior and He communicates to us. We can't do it by our own strength...its spiritual warfare...we NEED God's help to battle Satan and the temptations we face.

2. Clean house! We need to remove those things from our home and life that take away from living a holy lifestyle. I did away with cable tv over a year ago and you'd be amazed how peaceful it is in my home!  Maybe you need to chunk face book, alcohol, magazines, videos...the list can be endless. If it tarnishes your walk with the NEEDs to go!

3. Read your bible. The holy word of God is written by God through man. There is NOTHING on this planet more truthful and direct than the bible. There may be passages that you don't agree with, but who are you to challenge God? He created the world you live in and you! Read it and experience it as it transforms your thinking and living a more righteous lifestyle acceptable to God!

Do these things and your life will reflect the lifestyle God longs for you to have. By doing so He will bless you richly!  Have a blessed day friends!

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