Friday, August 12, 2016

But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill it's lusts. Romans 13:14

How do we "put on" Jesus Christ? His life was very contrary to the "norm". He was patient, kind, loving, compassionate, forgiving and full of wisdom. Very few people in the world possess all of these character traits at one time. 

Putting on Christ starts in our heart and mind. What we "feed" our mind and pursue in life shapes us from the inside outward. The places we go, things we do and see and the people we surround ourselves with all influence the core of our being. That core becomes our mindset and is reflected outward. 

To shape that inner self in a positive way, we need to avoid places, things and people that lure us into sin. Removing the temptations from our life will help in our walk with the Lord. Feeding our mind with God's word, attending church and becoming active by serving others helps transforms us into the image of Christ. 

Change what's on the inside and the result will be an image of Christ on the outside. That's "putting on Christ". What's on your inside? If it's not God approved, ask Him to help you remove those toxic things from your life so you can be more of a reflection of Him in your daily life.   Have a blessed Friday friends! ‎

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