Thursday, August 11, 2016

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not men. Colossians 3:23

If you are like most people, you enjoy being recognized and rewarded for your accomplishments and achievements. As I type, athletes are competing in the Summer Olympics. They have worked so hard to be on the world's stage of competition against others who have come so far to achieve the gold. 
Their rewards are metals, worldwide  recognition and possibly endorsements from major companies which could result in significant income. For the genuine athlete, they don't usually win for the metals, money or recognition, they win because they are passionate about the sport they've dedicated their life to training to get better and better. Their final reward, perfecting their performance. 

As Christians, we have a job to do...and that is to share the love of Christ and train ourselves to live a more "Christ-like" life. Unlike athletes who work hard for themselves, we live our life for the Lord...our rewards are awaiting us in Heaven...and they are eternal. 

God blesses us by our surrendering self to do for others and share the message of Jesus Christ. Those blessings are the encouragement that keeps us moving and working harder to become more the resemblance of Christ. Who are you living your life for? You, others or our loving Savior and Lord? 

Eternal rewards await us for living in obedience to God. Live for Him each day by resembling Christ like characteristics in your thoughts, word and actions and give God the recognition. He will bless you for all eternity. Have an awesome day friends. God bless

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