Sunday, August 14, 2016

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of the light.
Ephesians 5:8

Have you ever sat by a fire at night? The fire warms every part of your body exposed to the flames; and the flames light up the darkness. I enjoy a good fire, especially in the fall and winter months. What is interesting, when you walk away from the fire your body cools off quickly...making you want to run back to warm up!

The Christian life is no different. God calls us "children of the light". We are to be like a fire everywhere we go....radiating out Christ love to others and opening up communication with people who live in the cold darkness...seeking warmth.  We can only do this as long as we are totally focused on Him.

Unfortunately as humans, we get easily distracted by things not worthy of our time and effort...and when we take our focus off God, its like we slowly walk away from the fire. Almost immediately we begin to cool off. As we continue to involve ourselves with the distractions of life we cool off more and the point where we have no fire left in us. Maybe a few embers to say....we are still a "child of the light".

Friend, if this is your situation, you can always "fan the flames" and regenerate the fire that lives inside of you. You can start by coming to the source of the fire....God! On your knees in prayer....repent of your ineffectiveness and ask Him to restore your relationship with Him. He will rekindle the Holy Spirit living inside of you and make you a living fire for those around you! 

Take your burning embers to church this morning and worship God! That's a great place to regenerate your fire with other believers on fire for the Lord. The Holy Spirit of God will flame those embers into a mighty fire for His service. A desire and willingness to move back towards the light is all you need to rekindle your flame! Do it today! See ya at church! God bless!!!

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