Monday, August 22, 2016

You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.
James 5:8

While out riding this weekend I encountered numerous storms with heavy rain. At times the entire roadway was covered in water, which at that point I had to slow down to avoid the risk of hydroplaning. Hydroplaning is the result of tires losing contact with the surface of the road because water separates the tires from the asphalt. To avoid hydroplaning, you must slow down so water can be routed away from between the tires and road surface through the tread in your tires.

As Christians, we too must slow down in life. We get so busy with work, hobbies, activities and other commitments that we lose touch with God.  It seems like the "to do list" grows rapidly and there is no time in the day to complete everything....we stress and worry about getting it all done....leaving no time spent with God.

SLOW DOWN friend....without our focus on God, we will be out of control and eventually end up in a spiritual wreck......which will bring us back on our knees asking for forgiveness for lack of time and attention to God. And sometimes, we just need to stop seek shelter in the loving hands of God..shielding us from the horrific storms that come in our life.

Does your life seem to be moving at a rapid pace? Storms are coming your way...time to slow down and stand on firm ground with the Lord through much prayer and time reading God's word. Doing so will keep your feet on solid ground and prepared for life's  hazards ahead. Travel patiently, travel safely, travel with God......have a blessed Monday friends!  

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