Thursday, August 25, 2016

Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need. Ephesians 5:28

Have you ever stole anything? If you have, the feeling of having something "more" was probably short lived and hopefully a feeling of guilt for your wrong doing followed which then lead to regret. When you read today's passage you see it talks about a thief. Most likely someone who doesn't work and his means for survival is to steal from those blessed with plenty. 

The second part of this passage is encouraging..."that he may have something to give him who has need". Not only does it say to stop stealing and get a also says once working and earning money to give to those in need. 

The question for the day: "are you robbing God of your wealth and abundance"?  You see, everything you have worked so hard for is actually blessings from God. We like to think that we "earned" our education, home, job and wealth. But the fact of the matter, God created you with talents and abilities to be the person you are and has blessed your life with more than other Americans and others worldwide. 

My challenge for today...let lose some of your blessings and give to others in "need". God loves a cheerful giver and will bless you even more for your selfless acts of service and giving to a world who needs to see the "Savior" in action. By giving of your self and model the love of Christ to others....opening up the opportunity to share the word of Christ. 

Trust me friends, that $5 or $20 bill in your wallet will go much further when you place it in needy hands than holding onto it. Give it a try today and experience the joy of giving! God will bless you and others will be blessed by your willingness to share your abundance.  Give freely, give generously, give today! God bless friend! ‎

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