Tuesday, August 30, 2016

For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself. For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lords. Romans 14:7-8

Over the centuries, wars have been fought. Something that always impressed me is the soldier "fight until death" commitment. No matter how many enemies that came against them, no matter how out numbered they might have been, they took up arms and fought to the bitter end. Their loyalty,  to the nation they served, was without a doubt courageous and victorious. 

As Christians we fight a daily battle against the Devil. His schemes and attacks can weigh us down, make us feel defeated and all alone. My friend, that's right where the devil wants you...alone, fearful and questioning God' promise to protect you and keep you safe. Nothing you can do on your own can defeat Satan. 

Fortunately we have someone who fought that battle for us....Jesus Christ. Although He died for a brief moment in time, He rose again from the grave to claim victory over the greatest enemy known to mankind, Satan. Jesus fought the good fight until the bitter end so you and I could live an eternal life with Him. 

Who are you living for? If you have accepted Christ into your life you should be loyal to the one who saved your soul. Are you willing to surrender your life for His eternal life? There is victory in Jesus Christ. Live for Him each day and call on Jesus to extinquish the flaming arrows of Satan. He'll do it! He is worth living for. Surrender to Him today. 

God bless.

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