Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Then the priest who bore the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord stood firm on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan; and all Israel crossed over on dry ground, until all the people had crossed completely over the Jordan. 
Joshua 3:17

 We are all familiar with the story of how Moses was called to help free the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. Not too long after crossing the Red Sea to escape, the Israelites  started complaining and questioning God's provisions. 
Despite their grumblings...God continued to provide for their daily needs. Over a period of 40 years living in the desert,  this group of refugees learned to trust and obey God.

Moses passed on and Joshua became their leader. At that point God gave him the green light to cross the Jordan river into the promised land. Can you imagine how thrilled and excited the Israelites must have felt to finally be in the land hand picked for them by God after spending 40 years wandering in the hot desert? 

Our journey with the Lord will eventually lead us to the promised land, our eternal home in heaven. Until that time we must struggle in the desert. This world is not our home. We have a home, a land much more plentiful without pain and sorrow. Although our time on earth may feel like we are wandering and struggling, God is with you every step of the way...providing for your daily needs. 

The desert experience helped transform the Israelites into a trusting and faithful generation. We can have confidence in knowing every heartache and tough situation we go through in life is for our benefit, part of that "sanctification" process...transforming us more into the likeness of Christ. 

How about you? Are you experiencing the trials of life? That is normal and we need to remember it's for our benefit. God is with Him, thank Him and praise Him for His goodness while in the desert of life....your promised land awaits you! Have a blessed day friends!

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