Thursday, September 1, 2016

Does a spring send forth fresh water or bitter from the same opening?
James 3:11‎

 I recall a time in our town when someone from the water treatment plant failed to add chemicals to the filtration system and entire city experienced the taste of lake water for weeks. It was an awful experience. Most stores in town could not keep a supply of bottled water. 

As humans, what comes out of our mouth is a good indicator of the filtration system we have in our heart. If vulgar and wicked things are said, it's safe to assume the presence of God is not in the heart of that person. So why then do some Christians speak words that don't reflect the image of Christ? Something to think about. 

As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit living on the inside. The Spirit acts as a filtration system for the words we speak, ONLY if we feed and nourish our minds and hearts by reading God's word, praying and making Him part of our daily life. By doing so, we empower the Spirit to filter out our minds and hearts of the impurities that can be generated by living in an ungodly society. 

Where does your source of refreshment come from? The world or from God? Your words are one of the best indicators of your heart's spiritual condition. If you know your words aren't a reflection of the person you truly desire to be, ask God to filter out the world from your mind and heart so you can be a well spring of holiness in your daily speech. God will honor your request and transform your words to bring Him glory. 

Check your heart by the flavor of your words. May they be refreshing and a blessing to others. Have a wonderful day friends and God bless! ‎

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