Wednesday, September 14, 2016

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. Genesis 2:7

 The first account of someone performing CPR is found in Genesis. God breathed life into Adam's nostrils and he came to life. Can you imagine being Adam....coming to life in this new world created by God? I'm sure is was a magnificent sight to behold and experience. 

Do you ever question who you are and your purpose in life? I think we all do at times and that's good...we need to seek out God's will for our lives and the future that awaits us. And just because you are currently in a full time career doesn't mean God doesn't have other plans for you. We always need to be open and ready to seek His direction in our life. 

Take a few minutes today and read the first chapter in Genesis. You'll find that the world was created by God and everything in it...the animals, plants, outer space and the Heavens. He created a blank canvas with opportunities for us to paint our life story. He created you to enjoy the beauty of His handiwork. 

What's on your canvas so far? Maybe there isn't much to look at....most likely there are some parts of the canvas that don't seem to resemble anything of value or purpose. That's ok. No artist creates a masterpiece over night. It takes time for perfection to develop. By putting your faith and trust in God to help you seek out the plans He has for your life , your canvas will begin to have a theme, a purpose and beauty like no one else's. 

It's your canvas. God created you...did you get that? God created you, you have purpose in this beautiful world He it and find it with Him and you'll paint a one of a kind masterpiece all for the glory of God! Grab your brush and paint something special today! Have a blessed day friend! ‎

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