Thursday, September 8, 2016

    I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. 
Galations 2:20

 When a couple comes together and eventually get married, they both have to sift through their "stuff" and determine what to keep and what to throw away. By doing this, it makes room for items the couple will purchase and possess together...such as cook wear, furniture...and so forth. Unless there is a thinning of possessions, there will be too much stuff to bring into the home. 

Once we accept Christ into our life, we  should constantly be sifting through our life...our possessions, friends, habits, pleasures. We should "crucify" those things that don't belong in the presence of God. His Spirit resides in us....nothing unholy should take up room in our life or heart. 

By removing those things, people and habits that aren't pleasing to the Lord, it makes room for Him to work in our life. Cluttering our lives with the "ways of the world" takes away God's blessings for our life. How can he do great things in us, through us and for us IF all we give Him is junk?

Maybe God has been speaking to you about a certain habit, person, activity that you know is not God pleasing. Don't push back, accept His prompting and give it up for the sake of Christ. By doing so your walk with the Lord will be more intimate and blessings are sure to follow for your obedience. What are you willing to crucify today? Have an awesome day friends. God bless.

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