Thursday, September 22, 2016

But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. 
1 Peter 5:10 ‎

As a baby develops he starts crawling, then eventually attempts to walk. Although he wobbles, falls down and sometimes injures himself...he continues his efforts to take each step til he has perfected his ability to walk. For a parent watching their child walk can be a scary but exciting time. You don't want them to get hurt so you hold their hand...but you know you gotta let go sometimes so they have the confidence to take the next step on their own. ‎

The same is true with us as Christians. At the beginning of our new walk with the Lord, we wobble, stumble and still make many mistakes along the way, yet God continues to remain by our side...loving and encouraging us. As we continue our journey, we grow our faith and learn to trust him more. We learn that an obedinet walk with the Lord strengthens our steps and results in stronger faith and abundant blessings. ‎

Unfortunately, there will be times of strife, disappointments and hurt in life and we fall down or bump into something unexpected. Where is God at that moment you ask! Friend, He is still by your side...loving and encouraging you...telling you to "get back up"...don't stay down...your faith is stronger than what Satan tries to tell you. That old Satan will try to make the pain of the fall hurt...and sometimes it is very painful...but God never meant for you to go back to crawling! Get up and keep walkin. God has you wrapped up in His loving protection and care. 

Maybe you are at a time in your life where you've fallen and the pain is so real...all you want to do is lay down and cry. Don't stay there! Time to wipe the tears and take God's hand to help you up and move forward. You can do were meant to walk with the Lord! "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"! Hold His hand and start walking again! God bless!  ‎

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