Saturday, September 3, 2016

Be still and know that I am God:
I will be exalted among the nation's, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10
If we are going to see America get back to being a Godly nation, we need to start with ourselves. As Christians, we are a living testament of Jesus Christ. Our priorities, focus, actions, thoughts and words should center around God's instructions for living. 

The only way we can live by biblical standards is to read and study it daily. What we put into our minds begins to transform and shape every aspect of our life. Unless we crack the book we will have no true direction on how to live lifestyle that reflects the character of Christ.  ‎
This requires quiet time with the Lord. Listening to His voice as He speaks to you every day. His voice can ONLY be heard when we surrender our time and walk in obedience. The journey to obedient living can and will be difficult....satan is always attacking those who draw close to God. BUT, satan has been defeated....he is simply a mire distraction to your williness to walk closely with God. Ignore and bind satan in the Name of Jesus Christ. 

It starts with you! What you show others by living a Godly lifestyle can influence the world around you. Take time each day to read, pray and focus on Him. It's up to you...are you willing to make America a Godly nation? Have a blessed day friends. ‎

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