Monday, September 19, 2016

Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5 

This is one of five verses in Matthew 7:1-5 that talk about judging other people. Verse 5 is interesting in the fact that it states we have a plank in our eyes. That's a big piece of wood. 

What causes a person to judge someone? Possibly pride, personal insecurities, or simply wanting oneself to look better than another. Talking about someone's faults or sins erodes that person's character. Judgment is God's responsibility, not yours. And besides, you don't know what is going on in that person's life. What we see on the outside is just a fraction of what's happening on the inside of a person's heart, mind and soul. 

So how can we possibly overcome the act of judging others? I believe if we can train our eyes to see people through the eyes of Jesus we won't judge, but love everyone. Through Jesus eyes we will love others, see the needs of others and pray for those who are lost or need guidance. We should spend more time helping each other and speaking words of encouragement, not discouragement.  

For some people, talking about others (gossip) is a real problem...and a sin. If you battle the temptation to  gossip, simply remember this: STOP=STOP-TALKING and OFFER -PRAYER. The next time you find yourself about to gossip remember these four words...stop talking and offer up prayer for that person. Ask God to help you see others through the eyes of Christ. By doing so your heart will turn from criticism to love. 

It's easy to see the faults of others, but if we honestly take a look at our weaknesses we are no better than the person our eyes are targeted on. Only one person is sinless, and that is Jesus Christ who died for everyone's sins. Share the good news with someone today and offer up prayer for those who need God's grace. God will bless you for seeing others through the eyes of Christ. Have a blessed day friends. ‎

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