Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. 
Hebrews 13:8

Have you ever noticed the changes that occur in a day's time? Time (goes by quickly), people's attitudes,  traffic on the freeway, relationships, position of the sun and moon...the list is endless and changing constantly. Not much stays the same day in and day out.

We live in a world that hungers for change. Most people get bored easily if change does not occur. Is change good? I'd say YES. God created our planet that moves and changes by the second. Change can be good. At the same time changes can be frustrating and make us feel uncomfortable and unsure of the future. ‎

One thing is for sure, God doesn't change. No matter what is happening in your life He is always there....ready to provide stability in unstable times. Often times our relationship with Him changes and we stray away from Him due to our disobedience. Just remember, no matter your justification for the lifestyle you live may differ from God, His feelings towards sin remains the same. Public opinion and Federal laws can be changed, which go against His basic principles for righteous living....but His opinion never changes.

Why does God stay the same in all aspects of His being? Because He knows what is truly right, truly worthy of our attention....He remains the same so when we are off course....we know right where to find Him. He is never hard to find and welcomes your complete awarenss of His presence so He can susatin you amongst the ever changing world we live. 

Let's get back to the basics of God's laws, principles and Christ like character so we can stand on firm ground and bring glory and honor to the creator of life. He is there, ready to receive you...walk to Him today and thank Him for His steady hand reaching out to you in love. He will bless you for staying close to the unmovable God. Have a blessed day!

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