Thursday, September 15, 2016

God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 1 John 1:5-6

Have you ever seen a car that was recently cleaned and waxed? It's shiny clean paint...makes the car look brand new. If properly cleaned and waxed it will reflect the sun so well that your eyes will squint. A lot of time and effort goes into detailing a car. But, all the hard work is worth it when the owner appreciates the car's fresh look. 
You can almost consider us to be just like that car. Before accepting Christ we were dirty, dull and not capable of reflecting the sun light off our paint. But, once acceptance of Christ happens we get an immediate car wash....all the sin and unrighteous things we've done is washed off and we become spotless. 

The car wash is only the beginning. Next comes the wax job. This takes time to obtain that perfect shine. The car may be clean, but the paint has a residue from the dirt and stains. Wax digs deep into the paint to remove it so the paint will shine like new. Same is true in our lives. As we grow closer to the Lord He rubs that polish on our surface using pressure to remove the sin stains...just as if they never existed. Our sins are eternally forgotten. 

Some areas of our life take years of God's steady hand...polishing away the stains of the past..and through time we will be able to reflect His light from our life. But realize it's a process. Our shine doesn't happen over night. It takes a daily commitment to follow His lead and avoid sinful living. As you grow closer to the Lord, through prayer, bible study and confessing sin, your heart longs to please Him and you find it easier to avoid sinful things that tarnish God's work. It takes a person totally surrendered to Christ so He can apply the polish and make you reflect His light to a darkened world. 

How about your shine on yet? Avoid the mud puddles of sin, stay off the dirt roads of unrighteous living and allow God to apply His presence in your life so you can mirror His light. It's worth the time and we cross into our new life and hear Him say...good job my faithful child. Shine on! God bless. ‎

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