Monday, September 12, 2016

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:2

If you like coffee you look forward to it every morning to help get your day started. Just the smell of coffee stirs up a desire to have a cup. But...for me, one cup is never enough...I always want a second cup...and sometimes a 3rd cup is necessary if I want to stay awake after a restless night.  

Coffee, like most everything refreshes our desire, thirst or feelings...but it never last. We always want or need more of it. As we become dependent upon the thing that brings happiness we desire it more and more....til it consumes us and our thinking. 

The Apostle Paul wrote to the saints in Colosse telling them to focus on things above and not things on earth. He knew the importance of putting our eyes on Jesus. Through the power and work of the Holy Spirit (living inside us) we can find unending pleasure in the Lord. His joy, His pleasures and His presence NEVER goes away. He continually fills your life with bountiful blessings. Finding true happiness and satisfaction in the Lord will never leave you feeling empty...His Spirit will continually nourish your life. 

Maybe there is something or someone in your life that you desire but has left you wanting more and more. It's like you can't get enough and it totally consumes your thinking. Precious time is lost on something temporary friend. Turn your focus from temporary and look to God for fulfilment and total satisfaction that last. If you trust Him enough He will meet all your needs! Have marvelous Monday friends and God bless!! ‎

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