Wednesday, September 28, 2016

And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" Matthew 14:31

 In Matthew 14: 22-33 we read about Jesus who sent his disciples in a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee while he stayed behind to pray. As the disciples crossed the sea, the winds picked up and rocked the boat. In the middle of this storm, Jesus walks on the water towards them. At first they thought he was a ghost, but quickly realized it was Jesus. Once Jesus was in the boat the winds died down and there was a calm among the disciples. 

I relate this story to the storms we encounter in our life. We all have storms. No one is immune from difficulty and strife. Sometimes we see the storms coming and  othertimes they hit us so quickly we have no time to prepare. But no matter where you are in your difficulties, Jesus can and will come to you and provide the confidence you need to sustain yourself in some of life's most challenging moments. 

Are you in the middle of a storm right now? Maybe you received some bad news from the doctor, or struggling financially or your marriage is falling apart by influences beyond your control. No matter how severe the storm, Jesus will come to you in the middle of your crisis and provide the peace, comfort and courage to sail on through it. He will respond if you call upon His name. He wants to help you...but you have to be willing to ask for help, then have faith in Him by keeping  your focus on Him and not the problem. 

Jesus walked on the water...He walked on the very thing (water) that troubled the disciples...the storm driven waves. Trust me friend...Jesus can walk on your troubles to get to you and provide help. Call upon Him and He will be there when you need Him the most. Have a blessed day friends!

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