Sunday, September 18, 2016

If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! Matthew 7:11‎

One of the most memorable gifts I remember receiving was a golf set from my grandparents when I was a youngster. My face lit up with joy as I had my own set of clubs. At that moment of surprise someone took my picture. My face said it all...pure happiness. 

As humans we have a gift from God....salvation through Jesus Christ.  His free gift is available to anyone with an open heart to receive Him and ask Him to come into their life. From the moment of acceptance, Salvation never fades, it never gathers dust or is forgotten. It's an eternal gift than can't be taken away. 

As Christians, how we live our life shows the value we put into this wonderful gift. Walking daily with the Lord through prayer, scripture reading and turning away from sin displays the genuine appreciation a person has for his eternal gift. Your life should be an example for those who have not yet recieved Jesus into their life. People should want the joy, peace and confidence you have.  

Where is your gift? Is it locked up in the back of your mind as one of the decisions you made in life? Or are you utilizing every aspect of your gift...being a living testament of your faith in Jesus Christ. Walk with thr Lord daily and live out your faith to a dark and hopeless world. They need what you have....share with them. Love someone today! God bless. ‎

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