Saturday, September 24, 2016

My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord. Nor detest His correction: for whom the Lord loves He corrects, Just as a father the son in whom he delights. 
Proverbs 3:11-12

As a child growing up I had a healthy fear and respect for my dad. His love for me was displayed by His firmness in decisions and expectations for my behavior. When I acted in a way that was less than His acceptance, I was met with His discipline. It might have been through words or a painful action of spanking or something taken away. 

The God we serve is no different. He loves us unconditionally. Yet, He has expectations for us as His children. When we act outside of His will we are met with discomfort and sometimes with painful experiences to get us back on track. God knows the kind of life we should live through our thoughts and behaviors. Anything less than complete obedience will be met with His loving hand of discipline. 

Maybe you are in the middle of God's discipline. Don't fret...He loves you and will help get you back within His graces. It might take time and painfully got yourself there...God is working you through it. Thank Him for loving you enough to sustain you through this time of cleansing the spirit of unrighteousness. 

If you are walking in obedience, awesome for you! Continue to keep in step with God. Living under God's love and knowing He will discipline you when you are out of sync is enough to keep anyone in line. 

Walk inside God's graces and experience His blessings. If you get out of sync, know that He loves you enough to do what's necessary to bring you back within His will. Trust God daily and live for Him. Have a blessed day!‎

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