Sunday, September 4, 2016

Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. James 2:17

 Have you ever written out plans to construct or do something? Maybe it was plans to build a shed, furniture, plans to take a vacation or simply an organized road trip. When we make plans, we have confidence knowing we can construct the object we designed or know we can make the trip because we have a vehicle to get our journey started. But plans become worthless if we don't follow through to start construction or hit the road. 

The same is true with the Christian life. By faith we believe in Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross for our sins. By accepting Christ into our life we are a child of God. God enacted a plan to have a personal relationship with His creation. He initiated His plan through Jesus Christ. Jesus fulfilled His purpose and constructed that bridge between God and mankind. 

God has a plan for each Child of God. As obedient children we should continually search out God's purpose for our life and keep working with His plan as we grow in our relationship with Him. Unless we are willing to do His will and follow His lead....his plan for us is useless...and eventually we will become like a fruitless vine....cut off and thrown into the fire. John 15:1-8

God has a special plan...a project...for your life. Seek it out, act upon it and keep your faith alive in Christ. God will bless your life through your obedience. Are you ready to get started! God bless friends!

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