Sunday, September 11, 2016

For when they say "Peace and safety!" Then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. 
1 Thessalonians 5:3

15 years ago today the World Trade Center and Pentagon were targets of a vicious terrorist attack on American soil. Almost 3000 people lost their life that day, September 11, 2001. Vivid images still haunt my mind as I reflect over what happened on that horrendous day. ‎
After some thought...have you ever wondered why it happened on 9/11? I believe God was giving America a "wake up call!". When we have an emergency the first thing we do is dial 9-1-1 on the phone to get help. Although this plotted attack could have happened on any happened on 9/11. 
Years leading up to that date, the government and it's judicial system was successful in removing God honoring acts of worship and activities in schools and other public places. Acceptance was given to people who clearly violated God's commandments. The voice of the Christian body was not spoken loudly...thus change occured and God was not pleased. As we drifted further away from Him, so did His hand of protection and blessing on this country. Terrorist had an open door to attack. 

I'll never forget though, following the attacks people proudly displayed the American flag at their homes and church attendance was on the rise...more people prayed and accepted Christ. That one event stirred and moved the hearts of Americans toward God. 

Today, we are right back to where we were leading up to 9/11. New laws have been past that are an "abomination" to God....and acceptance has become the norm. Displays of the Ten commandment have been removed from most buildings....and my gosh...even the American flag has been removed from some places!! Whew....i could go on and on. Just watch the news and you will see....we live in a society that has nothing to do with God. Where is the voice of God....why is His followers so silent?

If you are a Christian, believe me...the pot is boiling and time is drawing near. Unless we as a nation shift back towards God, our country is vulnerable because we have moved from God's protection. He doesn't chase after us. He doesn't move...He is the same yesterday, today and we know where to find Him. Americans...draw back to His loving arms before it's too late! Christians...speak up...gather together and voice your objections to acceptance and laws the violate God's standards.  Or else, we will have another tragic event...much worse than 9/11. 

Emergency...this country needs God to respond...are you ready to call for help? Honoring those victims of 9/11 and praying our country never sees another such event, but a worldwide revolution for God! God bless America. ‎

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