Wednesday, September 21, 2016

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

 You hear news where a man lifts a car off someone pinned underneath or a person runs into a burning house to rescue a baby left inside. These heroes display miraculous strength and courage...but where does it come from?'s a powerful hormone in the body that is released when a person encounters a stressful situation. It's effect can make a person do things that are unheard of forthe average person. Just one of God's special traits He put in us for survival. 

So often in our daily lives we encounter difficult burdens or significant challenges that leave us in fear and feeling overwhelmed. As we look at these mountain high obstacles, we feel helpless and try to figure out how we are going to get through this situation with our own strength. ‎

The solution? God! We have the power of God living inside us through the Holy Spirit. He is available 24/7....all we have to do is stop and talk with Him in prayer....asking for His help. By telling God you can't do this on your own, He steps in and provides you the strength, confidence and wisdom to move forward. Yea we might be a little scared and worry some...but God is faithful and will see you through every step of the process. Just lean on Him and stay close so you can hear His voice. 

What great feat is ahead of you today? It might not be saving someone from a burning building...but it might be a job interview, an issue at work or home or maybe a doctor's appointment that could change your life's direction. Take it one step at a time and make the first step with God. Allowing Him to be a part of your problem will be the source of your strength and confidence to face it head on! Give it to Him today and watch as you do great and mighty things together. Have a blessed day friends and stay safe! ‎

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