Friday, September 16, 2016

And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions. Joel 2:28

 Most people in life live in a "reactive" or defensive stance. They meander through life without any direction. When crises hits they do their best to resolve it in the quickest and most easy way possible. This ongoing cycle continues as they walk their way to the grave. 

If you believe in God and have accepted His free gift of salvation you need to know God has a purpose for your life. That purpose is to glorify Him through your life. No single person is duplicated. God uses each of us in a special way as we all "fit" together in the body of Christ. 

There is value in vision. Without a vision we will easily become distracted by life's obstacles to success. Vision helps us keep focus on His purpose and where He wants us to be tomorrow and continuing thru life til we reach our home in Heaven. 

How do we obtain our "vision"? By surrendering ourselves completely to God, asking for His guidance and direction then sticking to His plan. Unless you have a God given plan, you will surely march in the wrong direction. 

What's your vision? Do you have one? God has great plans for you and will bless you tremendously if you accept His plan, His Vision for your life. Seek Him out today! God bless friends!

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