Saturday, September 17, 2016

As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby. 1 Peter 2:2

 Here lately I seem to be surrounded by newborn babies. It's pretty special watching a baby as he grows and develops...he responds to smiling faces, holds his head up more steadily and seems to be on a regular, sleep, and observe his new surroundings. 

One things for sure...when that little guy is hungry you know it. He relies on that milk for strength, growth and satisfaction. Until he has it provided to him, he will cry and fuss. Sometimes a pacifier is needed in between meals to keep him preocupied. 

Peter relates the same concept to a Christian and God's word. The bible is clearly the thoughts and inspiration of God himself , provided to us for growth, strength of faith and answers to everyday situations. I've found the more I go back to the bible for noursihment, my day is more stable and I relate back to scripture God has put before me in my quiet time. 

As Christians, without a daily intake of God's word, you will hunger....and the danger in that is you'll be tempted to feast on the world's food....which is not healthy for Christian growth. Worldly satisfaction leads to addictions, unrighteous behavior and your body susepitble to disease and even premature death. 

If you haven't started, pick up the bible each morning and read scripture. Find a good devotional to help guide your study. I use a daily devotion by Dr Charles Stanley through Make it a routine to check back with God's word throughout the day for nuggets of wisdom and guidance. A spirit satisfied and nourished won't need the toxic food of the world. 

Stay in God's word and grow to be more like Christ. God will bless your willingness to set aside time to talk with Him in prayer and feed on His holy word. Have a blessed day friends. ‎

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