Saturday, September 10, 2016

 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. James 4:14


September 10, 2001….2,996 people woke on this morning and prepared for the day. 24 hours later each one of their lives would come to an end on the awful day of September 11, 2001. Did they know 24 hours later their life would end? Possibly….some might have had a bad feeling or dream about some horrific event. But no one knew and stopped living. They kept on moving forward in their everyday life.


Human life is so fragile. Its by the grace of God that we take our next breath, our heart beats one more time and in a single moment its over. Are you ready? Are you prepared for the day of your passing? No one plans their death or knows the date and time….its unknown. Only God knows when your time will end.


What are you doing today to prepare for that new life tomorrow? Its so easy to get wrapped up in the business of life that we forget our Heavenly perspective….our eternal destination. But its coming and could come moments from now. The only thing that matters in life is your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He is the only way to reach eternal life in Heaven. And as a Child of God, it is your duty to share the love of Christ with those around you!


Someone in your circle of friends or co-workers is heading to an eternal place called Hell. You know they are lost….are you willing to be a part of that rescue? Don’t hold back, help the lost and dying. They are lost in the smoke and craziness of worldly living that they don’t see the only way out. Be someone’s rescuer today and share the good news! Tomorrow is not promised so act today and have no regrets! God will bless you for your obedience!


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