Sunday, September 25, 2016

By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given of His Spirit. 
1 John 4:13

Have you ever left home, got to your destination and realized you forgot to bring your cell phone? That moment of panic, you feel disconnected from everyone.

The second most stressful situation...low battery power. When it gets low you quickly look for a power source to recharge the device. And if the battery goes dead you feel helpless. Goodness...what has our world come to??

As Christians we have a communication plan that is free of charge, no roaming fees apply and the device itself resides inside you, so no need to remember to grab it on the go. And the most awesome never looses power! Actually it will charge you when you are running low on energy. 

This device is the Holy Spirit. God's spirit living inside of you. Always on, always available and it's a continual "open line" ready for communication through prayer...talking directly to God. Sadly, the majority of us will text and talk about useless conversation in a day than talk to God for a few seconds...maybe a few minutes. 

Over my lifetime I have relied on God's communication plan to guide me and I found the more I communicate with Him, the more clearly I hear His voice and His message has meaning!! But...I've found it only works when utilized. Someone already paid for the plan...Jesus Christ. His sacrafice on the cross paved the way for God's Spirit to reside in every believer. 

Don't let the best communication plan go by the wayside. Use it, communicate with God today and hear His voice as he guides you on the path forward through EVERY situation you encounter! You will find more meaning in the messages and purpose for your life. Have a blessed day friends.

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