Monday, August 15, 2016

O Lord God of hosts,

 Who is mighty like You, O Lord?

 Your faithfulness also surrounds You.

 You rule the raging sea;

 When its waves rise, You still them.

 Psalm 89:8-9


Nothing you face in life is too big for God. He created everything around you, including yourself. He designed you in a unique way, there is no one else like you. God gave you talents and abilities to be useful for His purpose.


So often we feel overwhelmed by life's challenges or discouraged by our personal "weaknesses" and imperfections. Because of our limited view of self we hinder God's working hand in our life.


The very one who can calm the raging seas can give you the strength and courage to do great and mighty things. He is faithful and will equip you for each day's battles. Put your weaknesses and challenges before him through prayer and faith that He will empower you to make it through another day. God has great plans for your life.....give Him all you have and He will bless you! God bless friends.

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