Saturday, August 27, 2016

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me. Psalm 138:7

 When you look at the definition of "enemy", you see its someone who is against you, someone who wants to do you harm, someone who makes your life uncomfortable of difficult. Mmmm...that person might be your spouse or child. Let's hope not!

As we go through life we encounter people who come against us and can make life difficult...some can make life seem like a living hell. We have to always remember, God can and will sustain us from the attacks of our enemies. We might suffer physically or emotionally...but the solid rock, the firm foundation we stand on is God himself. 
Our enemies draw us closer to God. There are days when I know my enemies are up to something. That's when I pray even more and focus on God's promise to protect me from their attacks. It's totally awesome when I can see God silence the mouths of those lions from their desire to disrupt my life. He always comes through. 

Our enemies are also reminders that Christians have a plentiful harvest of lost souls who need to know Christ and change them from their heart...outwards. Our enemies are most likely non believers...because what Christian would be mean and come against someone else? Right? 

Question, are you someone's enemy? Do you seek to disrupt the calm in someone's life...check yourself against God's a Christ like life is a surrendered life of "self". Pray for your enemies. Continue to love them and always display Christ in your doing so you are a living testimony of your faith. 

Our first defense is God. Bring your enemies before God and let Him fight your battle. He will win every time. God bless friends. ‎

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