Friday, August 26, 2016

For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than doing evil. For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit, 1 Peter 3:17-18

 Recall a time when you did something special for someone. They were grateful and happy, you felt a sense of satisfaction....maybe someone else recognized your good deeds and expressed their accolades. It's very rewarding to do good things in the eyes of others. 

Sometimes though,  doing something "good" in line with God's will might not have the approval of others. Maybe God has called you to give up something that hinders your relationship with Him..but the thing you give up won't favor well with friends...possibly God has called you down a different career path that results in less money...the list is endless. Unless you live a solitary life, most decisions you make will affect other lives in your circle of friends and family. 

Christ gave himself up to be judged and condemned to die on a cross. Can you imagine the pressure He experienced from His disciples to not let this happen? They wanted Him to live....they cherished His existence and loved Him. As we all know, Christ was 100 percent faithful to God and surrendered His life that paid the sin debt of mankind. His obedinece to God paved the way for us to have a personal relationship with the creator of everything and everyone. 

What challenges and influences are you facing today that aren't  favored by friends or family? You know deep in your heart God is directing you down a certain path....Friend...FOLLOW GOD and don't turn aside from His direction. It might not be in other's best interest...but it is the will of God. By following in faithful obedience, you will be blessed and something much greater will result from doing the will of God. 

Walk in faithful obedience to His calling. It's a step in the right direction. God bless! ‎

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