Wednesday, August 24, 2016

No one will strengthen himself
Who lives in iniquity. 
Ezekiel 7:13 (b)
Let's face it, it takes strength and determination to succeed on a daily basis. We are bombarded with daily challenges and obligations that can zap all of our energy. It's important to take care of right, exercise and get adequate sleep. Never take your health for granted. 

As Christians, we also have an inner strength, the Holy Spirit, who guides us through the day, providing Godly wisdom to help us make right decisions and vision to see clearly the path ahead. We have the power of His Spirit available to us 24/7. ‎

So why are we weak and tired so often, make wrong choices and seem to flounder throughout the day feeling like we have no purpose or direction? It could be the deliberate sin that is in our life. God is Holy and righteous. Sin hinders the connection we have to the Spirit. When we sin we become spiritually weak and can literally wither away from the inside out. 
We all will sin. We live in a fallen world. But, when we stay "on guard" to temptations and say no to sin, we get spiritually stronger throughout the day...Ready to fight the next temptation or challenge that comes our way. It's a moment by moment decision to stay focused on God so we can draw upon the greatest source of power available..the Holy Spirit. 

Make the decision today to stay in touch with God through constant prayer, turn from temptations and His Spirit will strengthen you continually. By the end of the day you will feel refreshed instead of defeated. Walk in obedience and see the blessings He has for you. God bless. 

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