Sunday, August 21, 2016

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
Isaiah 41:10
For He Himself has said: "I will never leave you nor forsake you"
Hebrews 13:5

If you are like me, you enjoy statistics. % of people will be involved in a crash, make a million dollars, die from...whatever. If something is going to happen to you....there are statistics to prove it.
I like to refer to it as the 1% rule. 1% of people in my little world will encounter something bad today...will it be me?

Maybe the stats aren't going your way. Are you the 1%? Maybe you are dealing with a health issue, divorce, wayward child, financial or relationship. The list is endless and most days we can feel like we are that 1%. UGH....will it ever end?? Well...statistically speaking 2 people die every second of each day it will end eventually.

But, until our "end" happens what can we there any relief? YES! God is with you always. matter what happens in life, God is ALWAYS there 100% of the time. He never leaves you nor forsakes you. He knows exactly what you are going through and wants you to lean on Him. So often when we fall in that 1% category we quickly turn our attention away from God and on the problem. By doing so, we become blind to God's light leading us down the narrow pathway through the issue facing us.

I can tell you, through every 1% crises, God has helped see me through the difficult situation and things on the other side have resulted in blessings when I trusted in Him. The most difficult challenge is letting go and letting Him take control. Once we do that....He can do great and mighty things.  

Will you be the 1% today? If so, have confidence in knowing God is with you 100% of the time. He is ready and able to help see you through the difficulty. Give it to Him today. Have an awesome Sunday friends and God bless!

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