Friday, March 31, 2017

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8

Have you ever been cold and then stood next to someone; between the two of you, enough body heat was generated to warm both of you up. When we stand next to another person, the body heat seems to radiate all around us. 

This world can make us feel like we are out in the cold, exposed to the elements of life. Heartache, sickness, disappointments....just to name a few, can rob us of the loving warmth we desire to feel in our hearts. The more cooler we become, the less effective we are able to serve God in the capacity He designed for us. That's why it's so important for us to continually stay close to God. Prayer, bible reading and conversing with fellow believers are just a few of the things we can do to keep us closer to God. 

Have things in your life been chaotic lately and you just want to run and hide? Step inside the cloak of God and let His loving arms wrap around you, to warm your spirit and give you hope for another day. He loves you unconditionally. If you are a child of God, He welcomes you with open arms to seek Him and draw closer to Him. Find the warmth of God today, seek Him out, He is there! 
God bless.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Honor the Lord with your possessions, And with the firstfruits of all your increase. Proverbs 3:9

Stop and take a look around you for one minute (if you are home). What do you see? A lot of things or very little? Realize what you possess has been provided to you through God's goodness. Yes, you might have gone out and purchased it with your "hard earned money"...but God gave you the talents and abilities to perform your job and the physical condition to do it daily and earn money. God has blessed you, are you a blessing to God?

Once we realize the stuff we have is the result of God's goodness in our lives, we will truly appreciate it more and thank Him for His blessings. The danger is when we start to buy things that exceed our capability to pay for the new stuff and struggle to live day to day. Tithing, do you give to the Lord? Do your monthly bills exceed what you give to the Lord? That's the reality check right there! When your all your possessions consume every penny from your bank account and you have none for the Lord, I can assure you His blessings will no longer flow. 

It's a checks and balances system. Check your possessions against what you are giving to God. Thank Him for what He has provided for you and honor Him with through financial contributions and your time. By doing so, your life will be in tune with God's blessings account. Thank Him today. God bless.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

When working on the farm, we utilized a John Deere Gator. This 4 wheel drive vehicle would take me through the most rough terrain, muddiest ground and even cross a creek and drive up and over the steep bank. I always knew I could get around the farm in this vehicle regardless of the environmental conditions.

Life can be just as challenging to navigate. Each of us wants assurance we can get from sun-up to sun-down without much effort and pain. But the reality is, life is not easy. Disappointments, challenges, heartaches, stresses and the worries, each day can bring, make you feel stuck...spinning your wheels going no where. 

Friend, climb aboard God's vessel and have the assurance He will see you through each day. Yes, the days forecast may not always be sunny, but with God, you can have the assurance that He will carry you through each obstacle and breakdown in life with His overwhelming power to overcome the greatest obstacle.  He is larger than life and the ground in which you walk. Why not put your faith and trust in Him today? He has your back and loves you. 

Climb aboard the "over-comer", He is ready and capable of taking you through this day. Get on board with God!
Have a blessed day.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Now when Jesus had come into Peter's house, He saw his wife's mother lying sick with fever. So He touched her hand, and the fever left her. And she arose and served them. Matthew 8:14-15

In today's passage we see three things happen. 1. Jesus presence in Peter's house. 2. Jesus saw a need, reached out and healed her. 3. She arose from her illness and was able to serve Him. 

This story gives us a good model to go by when requesting Jesus assistance. First and foremost, is Jesus present in your life? You can't expect a miracle if your life isn't completely open to Him. Does your needs line up with His will? This lady didn't ask for assistance, but Jesus had a need and healed her so she could serve Him. When Jesus responds to our request, we need to be ready to serve in whatever capacity He has directed us. He oftentimes will heal us just enough so we can serve Him 100 percent. We may not always feel 100 percent, that's when we rely on His strength. 

What's your need today? Make sure you've opened your heart to Him, line up your desires with His will and be ready to serve once He responds. Your purpose is to serve Him....let Him prepare you for that special service He has called you to do for His glory. Give God praise for the presence of Jesus in your life today. God bless.

Monday, March 27, 2017

 But at midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Acts 16:25

"Hey, you look nice today", "Great job", "you are an awesome person". Praise, it gets our attention. We like it when someone takes a moment to give us praise or compliment us. Praise makes everything bad that's happened seem to dissolve and our spirit is uplifted. 

God is no different, He loves to be praised! As a child of God, we need to understand 2 concepts...1. This world is NOT our home. We are just here for a little while to serve God and follow His will for our life. 2. We will encounter trouble in this life. As foreigners in this land, are vulnerable to Satan's attacks either by personal circumstances or from other people. Until you reach Heaven, life on this side of eternity won't be expect trouble. 

Paul and Silas were beaten with rods because of their testimony about Christ. Beaten and shackled by their feet, they laid in a prison cell with pain. But, at the midnight hour, a spirit of worship came over them...praising God and singing hymns. They got God's attention. When God showed up the prison walls shook and doors were opened, chains fell off. At that moment, prisoners and the guard came to know Christ 

Where are you in your walk with the Lord? Is His presence in your life obvious to those around you? Maybe you are suffering because of your faith. Praise God regardless. Call out to Him with thankfulness and praise. He will respond with His healing hand and comfort you in the midnight hour. God can use any circumstance to bring glory to Himself. All He needs is an obedient child ready to ignite the flame of praise and let His fire consume all the bad around you. Praise God today and see the troubles of life turn to ashes. Have a blessed day!!!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Then Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. John 6:35

You ever see or hear those commercials talking about a new drug that will help with this or that illness? Then they list all the possible side effects. Finally they say..."if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking the medicine and see your doctor immediately".

Tragically, so many people these days self-medicate on things of the world to cure them of their emotional or physical distress. Alcohol, drugs, smoking, prescription drugs, uncontrolled spending,  living a carefree life, extreme exercising and dieting. All of these things have negative side effects like poor health, bankruptcy, missed days at work or school, isolation from friends and family, jail....even death. It's so easy to  to get caught up in these things...many lives have been ruined through addictions.

Today's passage clearly states where we can get help for our daily struggles, pains and insecurities... through Jesus Christ. A personal relationship with him is the key to helping you work through the daily challenges of life and the painful experiences that want to send you into depression and self medicate in worldly toxins. By surrendering everything to Him, you open the door to His Holy Spirit who can sustain you no matter what you are going through in life. 

How about it? Have you been serf-medicating, hoping to give you some relief...but the side effects are more damaging than the medicine of choice? STOP taking the medicine and see Jesus immediately!  He can and will help you. His love and presence in your life has no negative side effects and last for all even helps others around you when you are fully medicated on His Spirit! Won't you come to Him today for all your emotional and physical needs...He has the medicne that cures it all. Have a blessed day friend.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more; Indeed, you will look carefully for his place, But it shall be no more. Psalm 37:10

For a teenager, one "zit" on the face can have devastating effects on that day's outlook. It consumes their mind and tarnishes their self confidence....worried what others will think about their appearance. They want to look the images on many fashion magazines....perfect skin, hair just right and of course that perfectly shaped body. But, after a few days, that zit slowly fades away. You look and look again...."where did it go?". Whew...confidence restored, maybe I can get a date this weekend. Lol....the pressures of teenagers. 

For adults, we seem to encounter these people "monsters" in our life at church, workplace or maybe even next door. They are rude, negative and always grouchy...and possibly have you targeted for their grief and misery. It seems like they disrupt your quiet, safe little world. You pray they'd simply go away. Then one day, they are gone. They either got fired, moved or decided to pick on someone else. Praise the Lord you say and trust in better days. 

Is there someone in your life today that is causing you grief? Just like a teenager's zit, they influence your entire day's outlook and all you want to do is run away and hide? Hang in there friend! Lift them up in prayer and ask God to give you the strength to stand strong in your faith and not let them influence your day. He that is in YOU is greater than he that is in the world. Your zit monster will eventually go away one day if you have patience and trust God in answering your prayers. We aren't promised a perfect world, so don't think each day will run smooth. No matter how rocky the road is, God can smooth out those brief moments of grief. Stay in prayer and lean on Him for strength. 

Don't let the zit monster take away your joy! Cover it with the Lords help and proceed with joy! Eventually he/she  will go away....keep the faith! God bless. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

If I say "Surely the darkness shall fall on me," even the night shall be light about me. Indeed the darkness shall not hide from You, But the night shines as day. The darkness and the light are both alike to You. Psalm 139:11-12

This early morning I stepped outside to see a sliver of the moon shining. Although it was just a portion of the moon illuminated, it still shined brightly. It's an awesome sight to see the moon at night. In essence, the moon is reflecting the suns light. 

In your walk with the Lord, there are times when all you can see is a sliver of God's light shining into your life. Each step is a step of faith. But then there are times when it seems you are completely surrounded by darkness and you wonder if God is realy there. Maybe you've received some tragic news, suffered brokeness from a failed relationship or your child has lost all sense of direction and walking down a dangerous path...which keeps you up at night. These and other life events can totally leave you without  hope.  

Friend, let me assure you, God is never in the dark and He promised to always be with you no matter the circumstances. Although you may be in the dark, he sees the way forward. It's at that moment that you we can do is draw closer to Him and allow Him to guide you through the darkest moments of your life. How do you do that? Through MUCH prayer, on your knees praying to God and thanking Him for His goodness. Keep the faith and trust in 
God continually stoked. Satan will try his best to make you believe God is elsewhere...but Satan is a liar and deceiver. That's why it's so important to always keep your faith in God and hang on His promises. Read the bible...He will lead you to words of encouragement and strength. Believe me, I've been there in each of the situations above...He saw me through those times and He will do the same for you...keep the faith. 

Light out? It's ok, God can see you through the darkness. Trust Him and draw close to Him, He will take you further than you could ever imagine....even in the darkest hours of life. God bless.  

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

.These are my only fellow workers for the kingdom of God who are of the circumcision; they have proved to be a comfort for me.
Colossians 4:11

Back in early January I came down with an illness that felt like the flu, and could very well have been. I was in pain, tired and just felt miserable. During that time of sickness I had a dear, sweet friend who prepared me food and stopped by on several occasions to make sure my needs were met. It was comforting to know someone out there cared enough to help me in time of need. 

Today's passage comes from the disciple Paul who was in prison for his ministry in the Lord. Beaten and chained, his future had no earthly hope. Although it was dangerous, several of his fellow friends and brothers in Christ came to visit and encourage him. Just their presence was enough to help Paul continue in his God given calling to spread the gospel from inside the prison walls.

As children of God, we should always look for opportunities to encourage and help others in need. Too often people who become sick or suffering, find themselves isolated from everyone. Isolation from human contact can make a person feel discouraged and unloved. Everyone needs some form of affection or attention. God never meant for anyone to go at life alone. When we reach out to someone, we must put aside our personal needs and fears and trust that God will work through our kind deeds and bring blessings to the person receiving our acts of service.

As you read this, I'm sure someone comes to mind in your circle of influence that needs some encouragement or help. If God places a person on your mind, He pretty much has given you the "green light" to help....and with that, His Holy Spirit will give you what's necessary to touch that life. Trust Him and seek His guidance as you go about your day ministering to others through your words and actions. Reach out to someone today. 
God bless. 

Monday, March 20, 2017

May the glory of the Lord endure forever; May the Lord rejoice in His works. Psalm 104:31

Inside every flashlight are batteries. The strength of the light, coming from the flashlight, is determined by the battery power. Without those batteries fully charged, the flashlight is useless. 

As children of God, we have a source of power living inside of us, the Holy Spirit. He provides power in our life to shine through the darkness of this world to touch the lives of others. Without His power, we are useless if we rely on our own strength. God's plan to reach out to the lost and save them is obtained through His children, you and me. The important thing for every believer is that they utilize this power and shine their light in the direction God's hand has turned. 

Where is God directing your light? Do you know? Pray and ask Him to use you to shine His light into your circle of influence to bring Him glory and honor. His Son, Jesus, paid the price for your sin, so walk in obedience and keep your light beaming for God every day. He is counting on you to accomplish His plan. Shine your light today on someone and be blessed. Happy Monday friends! God bless.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Therefore by their fruits you will know them. Matthew 7:20

In my personal opinion, this one verse is the best screening tool anyone can use when they look at associating with other people to develop friendships, businesses in pursuit of employment and churches in search of a community of believers who actively serve the Lord. Their fruits will tell just how successful, sound and welcoming they are to accept you into their company of employees, friends or church members. 

I've been around for a while now, and had the privilege to meet many people, visit a number of churches and had a few jobs in my life. I can tell you, there are a lot of good people out there, yet some so lost in self absorption and negativity. I've had jobs where employee morale was high as well as productivity and some where morale was low and functioning as a group was a daily struggle. Finally, I've visited churches where you could feel the presence of the Lord, and churches where I had to check my pulse to make sure I was the only one alive in the building. 

So where am I going with this? As everyday people, especially Christians, we want to surround ourselves with successful and positive people, jobs and a living breathing church. We tend to become a product of our surroundings. If we allow ourselves to be around negative people, morale struggling employment and a dead church, we will slowly toxify ourselves and die out with everyone else. If we find ourselves in "unfruitful" surroundings, maybe it's time for change. 

Change is not easy. It's frightening to let go of what we know and feel somewhat secure. But do you really want to continue to live in a dying environment? If you find yourself in a negative environment, CHANGE! Pray and ask God to reveal His will to make sure it's in His plans for you to change your settings. Wait til you get His approval, then put your faith and trust in Him to help guide you in a new direction. It might take some time, but in the long run it will be worth the struggle in your transition from being in unfruitful conditions to a fruitful environment. 

Lord, help me to stay close to those fruitful people in my life, be a reflection of you in my workplace and give me the courage to step out in faith as I serve you....a living, breathing child of God. Find your fruit garden and live the abundant life today. God bless. 

Friday, March 17, 2017

Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23

While dieting, I'm reminded of the old saying..."you are what you eat". So true, if you eating a lot of fattening foods, you'll gain weight and become sluggish and out of shape. If you eat good, healthy food, you are likely to maintain a decent weight and stay healthy. I will admit, if you truly want to eat healthy in today's world it takes a lot of discipline as they opportunities to eat junk is abundant.  

Today's bible verse pretty much sums up our spiritual journey. If you consume the world's pleasures and thought processes your heart will become burdened with the weight of the world and it will be hard to keep your spiritual focus. 

On the other hand, if you fill your mind and heart with God's word, turn off the tv and separate yourself from spiritually unhealthy things, you will feel more energized, joyful and not weighted down by the drama of life. Jesus said: ‎"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light". Matthew 11:30. 

When you consume God's word and set yourself apart from worldly standards, you will encounter a new life that can run this race called "life" with confidence knowing your joy comes from the Lord and not from the momentary pleasures of the world. The yoke of Christ is not heavy.  It will keep you in step with the Lord. Take His yoke upon you, feed your life with His nourishing wisdom and life be more rewarding and blessings will abound along the journey. Stay in His graces friend. Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30

What if you purchased a new vehicle and the dealership offered unlimited gas, tires and any maintenance at no cost to you, as long as you came back to that dealership for these free services. Although the dealership is 30 miles from your home, that's a sweet deal. Sure, you could fill up your tank at a local gas station, but you'd have to pay for it yourself. 

As children of God, we have an unlimited supply of spiritual gas and heart maintenance in Jesus Christ. Once you accept Him into your life, you are sealed with an eternal guarantee that the Holy Spirit of God resides in you, available 24/7 for any spiritual fill up, heart mending and even guidance through life. He can diagnose any problem and provide the perfect solution if you simply go to Him. What a deal. 

Sadly, too often we get ensnared by the worldly fuels and we fill up on them...leaving us spiritually empty and eventually they can cause heart aches and leave you broken down along the roadway of life. Once this happens, we get on the prayer phone and call on God's wrecker service to give us a tow back to His garage for spiritual mending. 

Friend, GO the extra mile to fill up on God's spiritual fuel for everything in life. He can and will meet your every need in life and keep your spiritual engine running smoothly....never leaving you on empty. Trust in His care every day, moment by moment...He loved you enough to go the extra mile to Calvary, won't you go the extra mile to please Him? Have a blessed day friend.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

And He said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?" Then the man said, "The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I ate." Genesis 3:11-12

Ah yes, the story of Adam and Eve, God's first created humans on earth, and their very first sin....eating fruit from a tree God forbid them to partake. The woman encountered Satan in the garden of Eden and he smoothly convinced her to eat from the forbidden tree. Not only did she eat from it, she took the fruit to her husband and convinced him to eat as well. Wham, bam...there you have our first sin. In today's passage, God confronts Adam for his sinful action.

From the beginning of time, man has found someone to blame for His wrongful actions. Most often, a man will find a way to tie his sin to his spouse or significant other. No one likes to stand alone in their guilt...I believe that's why Eve brought the forbidden fruit for Adam to eat. As a human race, we find it difficult to admit guilt of  our own doing...we like to bring others into the fold of guilt and shame. Especially for us men, we hide in shame when accused and don't like the negative consequences of our wrongful actions. 

Men, we need to "think" before we act. Adam had to be thinking in the back of his mind...eating this fruit is wrong. He saw his wife eat it and overlooked all reason and God's instructions to avoid the fruit, and he ate the same sin as Eve. Men, stand up to the wrongs of life and the influences of others....even if it's your spouse. Just because those you love falter, doesn't mean you have to follow suit. Be the man of God He created you to be, a leader, a God fearing man and one to say "NO" when all others are saying "yes". The buck has to stop somewhere, let it stop with the "head of the house". When you do falter, don't blame your spouse...accept your guilt, confess and move forward in life.  

The blame game is for sissys. Men, do right the first time and you'll carry NO guilt or shame. It's time the men of this world follow the narrow path of Christian living and say no to the forbidden fruits of life. God created us in His image, reflect the goodness and righteousness of Him every day. Stay in the word and pray often throughout the day...God is looking for men of obedience to change the world around them. Rise up today men and be the Godly creature he designed you to be for His glory. Amen. 
Have a blessed day! 

Monday, March 13, 2017

Some indeed preach Christ even from envy and strife, and some also from goodwill (verse 15).
What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached: and in this I rejoice, yes and will rejoice. (Verse 18) Philippians 1: 15 and 18

Back in 1987 a movie was released, entitled "Planes, Trains and Automobiles". This humor filled movie was about a businessman (Steve Martin), trying to get home for the holidays. A series of bad events made his trip difficult...including the use of a plane, train and automobile. Eventually he arrived home, but not without some challenging moments. 

I think about God's plan for this world in which we live. He has a plan to reach everyone with His message of hope and forgiveness of sins. He doesn't need our help, but He moves His children in certain places and challenges them with tasks for the benefit and glorify His kingdom. Although, as humans, we may mess up royaly, His plan still gets accomplished. 

I can't tell you the number of times I have been totally distracted in life by self righteousness or sin, yet God still provided me with words to write these blogs everyday. Some of the best and most seen blogs were written when I was not totally in tune with God. He still used my fingers to type the message He wanted to get across to our viewers. 

God is in the communication business. He wants us to spread His word to a world longing for a savior. No matter how "off track" you may be, He can still use you for His glory. So, the next time you turn your back on an opportunity to serve Him, because you feel unworthy, just remember, His son Jesus Christ paid your sin debt. Remain obedient and a willing vessel....He can and will use you no matter where you are in your spiritual journey. 

Keep the faith and know God isn't looking for perfect Children to advance His kingdom to non-believers, He is looking for willing vessels. Make yourself available for Him, no matter what's going on in your life. He wants to use you to grow His kingdom. Be that willing vessel today. God bless.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

For we walk by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7

Recently I attended a retirement celebration on the north side of Atlanta. If you've ever driven in and around Atlanta, you know there is a lot of stop and go traffic and a few wrecks along the way. I used our office's  navigation system for the trip. On several occasions, it alerted me to slow traffic ahead and provided a detour. I never used this feature, I wanted to stay on the 285 bypass because I knew it well and it was a straight route...but my co-workers encouraged me to follow it's new directions. So I did. We made 3 detours and arrived to our destination 15 minutes early. If I had stayed on my original route, I would have been delayed over an hour. 

It's kind of scary when you put your trust in a small device. The alternate routes it takes you can leave you a little aprehensive and scared, but, it knows the way. Our journey with the Lord oftentimes takes us on a different path. A fork in life brings decisions....right or left? Our feeling is left, but God wants you to bear right. You ask..."Where are you taking me God?". He replies, trust me, keep the faith. 

Why is it so hard sometimes to have faith in our creator? I think as humans we want safety, comfort and to live with little pain as possible. But God has a different plan. He knows what's best for us and most of brings glory to Him. Trusting in Him and walking in obedience is the way we show our confidence in God. Maybe today you are faced with a choice of which way to go in life, or God has already spoken to you. TRUST HIM! Take the route He leads you. It has more purpose than any known path you've traveled before.

God says start a new career, let go of this relationship or sell everything and wait for the next step. Are you going to follow in complete obedience? Trust Him with everything in life...He knows what's best and will bless you greatly upon your arrival. Have a safe and awesome Saturday friend. 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion, seeking whim he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8

As you go about your day, it's always important to be aware of your surroundings. The world in which we live has become more violent and bad things can happen in an instant. The same is true in our walk with the Lord. 

Satan doesn't care if you are a Christian. But, he does care if you try to do things for the Lord. Serving God puts you on Satan's target list. He will try his best to distract you from serving God in a variety of ways. He sees you and knows your weaknesses. He oftentimes brings other people into our life to wreak havoc and leave us spiritually bankrupt. 

It's so important to be careful who you associate with and allow into your life. Every action and decision in life should have a prayer backing it so you'll make Godly decisions. Check out the person's past....and their present state. Can you see God in their life? Is there stability or confusion and drama? If they aren't sound in their spiritual life, back away from them. God will place the right people in your life who built you up and help you grow in Christ, not take you further away. 

Do a spiritual check up! How is your spiritual health? If the report is not good, check the things and people in your life. If you see areas of your life that need to be cleaned up, take care of it today and don't turn back. God will bless you and fill those newly created voids with His sweet presence. Walk spiritually alert today and keep your focus on God....your day will be safer and more secure in the Lord. God bless.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Therefore the sisters sent to Him, saying, "Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick."
John 11:3

In the story of Lazarus (John 11:1-44), he is very sick and dying. In their desperation, his sisters send word to Jesus in hopes of His arrival in time to heal him. If you read the story you find Jesus was late arriving as Lazarus died. But, upon Jesus arrival He calmed the family and said Lazarus is not dead, but asleep. Jesus brought life back to Lazaus.  

Oftentimes we face a grave and dire situation. At that moment of great need we call out to Jesus for help. His help comes at the right time, not on our time table. Trusting Jesus in all matters is the key to living a confident life as a child of God. He knows the right moment when to intervene and provide the necessary help. Sometimes His delayed response gives us time to focus completely on Him. He uses that "wait" time to grow us in our faith and draw us closer to Him. 

Catch this thought...."when we are closest to God, we can then clearly see His hand working in our situation.". Until we are right up next to His presence, we won't be able to see things from His perspective and see what He is doing. 
Maybe you've called on God to help you out in a situation that is bigger than you. Trust Him in the wait time and draw closer to Him. He wants you there as close as you can get to feel His presence and see Him work. Trust me, He will correct what ever was damaged or lost from the wait time. He brought Lazarus back to life as a result of His delayed response. 

Trust Him when you call Heaven's 911. He is coming, be ready and go to Him with your request. Hold His hand through the situation and watch as He does what's best for you and glorifies Him in the process. You might not understand everything He does, but there is a purppose for it. Trust Him today with your request. God bless. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

If you've known me for any length of time, you know I love to cook. Of course I love to eat. I took a cooking class in Jr High School...many years ago, and since then I've been cooking up something. Oftentimes I will take a recipe and add other ingredients. To someone standing there watching, might question my mixture.

Oftentimes God creates a mixture of traits in people that might not be exactly what we, as humans, would call perfection. But God, He has a plan and purpose for each person He created. You might question the way some people come into this world...but I tell you...HE ALLOWED that life to be formed in the womb, so never discredit any life. His mixture of personality traits are unique to that person. No other person has the same genetic makeup, personality forth. 

There might be someone you know who is considered "not normal" or possibly difficult to deal with....the list is endless. We must not discredit someone. God calls us to love everyone, including our enemies. Do you find it difficult to love some of God's creation? Ask Him to remove the judgmental spirit from your heart so you can love even the most vile person. God has a plan for each person....learn to love and not question His works. That aggrivating person or disabled child might just be the one thing that keeps you in close contact with God throughout the day. Again, He has a purpose for everyone. 

You might not like what God has cooked up, just know that all things and people work together for the good of those who love Him! Do you love Him? If so, trust Him, love others and be the sweet morsel of God's love and grace to those around you. Life will have more meaning and peace as you go about your every day. 
God bless!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

But the path of the just is like the shining sun, That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.
Proverbs 4:18

Studies have been done that show areas of the United States,that have limited sun light, result in depressed people. Other areas where sunshine is abundant, people are more happy and positive. Light has a positive effect on the human spirit. I personally can attest to this study...I feel much happier when it's sunny vs. when it's overcast. 

Want some sunshine in your life....even on cloudy days? Follow closely with the Lord. Your actions don't get you saved, it's your belief and trust in Jesus Christ. Once saved, God blesses His children who stay close to Him through obedient living. A car space opens up, someone just happens to be at the door to open it when you are carrying a lot of boxes, someone mysteriously buys your meal or you come up 7 cents short, only to look down and find the exact change laying on the floor. These things have happened in my life, and I truly believe they were God's blessings. It's the little blessings that open up the clouds and let some light shine on me that make it a better day. 

External circumstances should not rob our joy...but sometimes the difficulties in life do affect us. Our attitude, focus and overall well being can be influenced in a moment. Put your trust in the Lord friend and walk closely with Him. He will bless you and help you through those rainy, cloud covered days when nothing seems to go right. Be alert to His little blessings and THANK HIM often. Your awarness and thankfulness stoke the fire of His goodness and turn a moment of grief into a day of joy.

Walk in obedience today friend and find the clouds break and the sunshine comes through to brighten your day. There is no other place I'd want to be than right by Jesus side. Walk with Him today and love life....He blessed you with it....shine bright for Him. God bless. 

Monday, March 6, 2017

Jesus said: "If you love Me, keep my commandments."

Yesterday late afternoon I got home and started working on things at the house, when my daughter called and asked if I wanted to meet her at a store and entertain my grandson while she shopped. Without hesitation is said YES and stopped everything I was doing to go meet her. Why? Because I love my daughter and that sweet grandson. 

Love prompts us to do things, change our schedules and oftentimes give up our time, money and personal pleasures all because we love someone. As children of God our love for Him and what Jesus did on our behalf should create in us a deep seeded love. Our love for the Lord should turn us away from sinful actions and avoid places that do not glorify our God. 

Jesus said...if you love me, obey my commandments. Do you love Him enough to live out an obedient life for Christ? If you struggle with sin (and we all do), ask God to help strengthen your relationship with Him. Recall all that He has done for you, especially His son Jesus Christ who gave his life so you could enter the throne room of grace. 

When we love God enough, we will walk in line with His will and remain obedient no matter how strong the temptation appears to be at that moment. Thank Him, praise Him and pray to Him....He loves you, won't you love Him back? Have a blessed day.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face evermore! Remember His marvelous works which He has done, His wonders, and judgments of His mouth. Psalm 105:4-5

If you travel on the interstate you know maintaining the same speed for a long journey is impossible. Although you'd love to set the cruise control to 75 and get there on time, there are often delays along the route. Road construction is one of the time killers for drivers. It takes a lot of patience when traveling a long distance. 

The same is true in our lives as children of God. We seem to move along in life, then something slows our progression. Some life event such as divorce, sickness or great loss. We ask where is God in the middle of this storm. Just like those road construction delays, God is working in your life to pave a new road for you to follow. Yes, you may be waiting days, even months or years, but His construction project takes time and He ask that you be patience and remain obedient to Him. 

When I have moments of delay, I often use that time to reflect on previous delays and how God worked to bring something good out of a wreck. Every time I can recall how broken or impatient I felt...but "time is a healer" and time can do wonderous things if I just remain patient and reflect on God's goodness and strength to carry me through the delays of life. 

How's your journey? Cruising along at a good speed or caught in the middle of life's road construction? In all travels, trust Him, lean on Him, and continue in patience and trust. God is constructing something awesome for your life...make the wait time a time of thankfulness and praise to a loving God. He loves you! Have a blessed day friend and thanks for taking the time to read our blogs! 
God bless!!! 

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Abstain from every form of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:22

Today's scripture is pretty clear cut....stay away from anything that wouldn't be approved by God. Agreed! The next question you need to ask, "Is there anything in my life that is evil and not God honoring?". Right now your mind has generated something. You start to debate it really evil? This is something I enjoy. I don't know if I can let go of this thing, pleasure or person. 

Tough questions and you can debate the issue all day in your mind. But the real question is...How much do you love God and your relationship with Him? The realization is, this world is not our true home. Yes we may take up space for a good many years, but as children of God we are "set apart". When we allow even one smidgen of darkness into our life we are tied to the world. It's kind of like a boat tied up to a dock. Until we remove all the ropes from every dock cleet, we won't be able to sail freely with the Lord. 

I don't know what's tied up in your life. I know there are a few things I need to cut loose....we all need to purge our life of the world's attachments. Until we completely untie every knot, we won't be capable of serving God with 100 percent of our capabilities. Pray and ask God to give you the strength to untie those ropes so you can sail with Him. Happy sailing.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Philippians 2:3

We live in a very competitive society. Everyone wants to get ahead of the guy or gal next to him. And the products we have available to us. You can buy the newest phone on the market, and it seems days later something else has more features or faster service. This vicious cycle of "getting ahead" never stops.

Our lives as God's children can get out of alignment in our service for the Lord. We tend to think of ourselves as holy and righteous..."we are better than the other guy". This prideful attitude makes no room for God to work in your life. A humbled spirit, ready to serve, is what God desires of us. When we put others first, we put the love of Christ out there for others to experience. Not our doing, but the Holy Spirit living inside of us. The more we surrender self, the easier it is to put others first. I will say some of life's most precious moments can be recalled by someone who went out of their way to do something for me. 

Is your heart ready to serve with an unconditional attitude....or do you need to work on that attitude and learn humbleness and remove some of the pride that blinds your vision to the needs of others? Ask God to give you a yielded spirit to an attitude of humble service and to share the love of Christ with those around you. He will help you get Him in all areas of your life and watch and see your actions become less about you and more about others. Have a blessed day....go find somone you can serve and love on! God bless!! 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

    For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

This very familiar passage sums up the truth about God and His son, Jesus Christ, and what He did for every human on earth. Let's break it down. 

God created everything in the world and universe, including you. Every aspect, characteristic and talent was purposed for your life. Although you might think you have a flaw or disability, God has a purpose in everything...he created you not with a mistake, but a purpose. Have you found your calling, His purpose for your life? Seek out His will for your life. No matter your age, He still has a purpose for your existence...even at 98 years old (right grandma!)! 

God loves you. Yet because of your sin, He cannot commune with you. There has to be an atonement for your sin. That atonement was through Jesus Christ death and resurrection three days later. Jesus paid your sin debt. A "bridge" was created so you could connect to God through His Holy Spirit who resides within every person who believes in Jesus and lives daily for Him.

Once you accept Jesus Christ into your life, His Spirit lives inside of are a Child of God from that moment forward into all eternity. Have you received Him into your life? If not, call upon Him and receive His love, goodness and sweet Spirit. Your life in Him has a purpose and eternal plan to glorify His kingdom. Seek it out today and thank Him for the plan He has for your life. 
God bless.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trust in You. Isaiah 26:3

When you think about your life, how comfortable are you? Where is your life is taking you, the people and things in your life? Your relationships with others, job, financial security, wellness of your children. The list is endless. Yet, if one of these things or people suffers loss or tragedy, our peace and confidence often goes south. We loose control of the things we have confidence in and peace goes out the door, replaced with stress and many sleepless nights. Does this sound familiar?

At some point in life, and far too often, we will encounter times when things go haywire and our stress level exceeds our capability to think clearly and function in a way that is normal. When this happens, who do you call upon? Hopefully you've found the Lord on your prayer speed-dial and you hit him up for some assistance in your time of grief and crises. He is there 24/7 ready to help sustain you and squeeze out that stress and replace it with His Holy presence....end result...peace and joy. 

Sure, there will be some moments that seem like a living hell....been there myself....but once you acknowledge God, His light starts to shine through the cracks of your broken spirit and the darkest moments of life slowly dissapear. The more light of His presence you allow, the sooner you can recover and move forward in life.  

Trusting in Him, keeping your focus on God and staying in a spirit of prayer helps keep your vehicle of life in good working when the storms of life hit, you can have the confidence in Him to see you through the darkest moments. He is there, ready and willing to take you through each upon Him and find peace in every moment. Have a blessed and encouraging day in the Lord. God bless!