Wednesday, March 15, 2017

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30

What if you purchased a new vehicle and the dealership offered unlimited gas, tires and any maintenance at no cost to you, as long as you came back to that dealership for these free services. Although the dealership is 30 miles from your home, that's a sweet deal. Sure, you could fill up your tank at a local gas station, but you'd have to pay for it yourself. 

As children of God, we have an unlimited supply of spiritual gas and heart maintenance in Jesus Christ. Once you accept Him into your life, you are sealed with an eternal guarantee that the Holy Spirit of God resides in you, available 24/7 for any spiritual fill up, heart mending and even guidance through life. He can diagnose any problem and provide the perfect solution if you simply go to Him. What a deal. 

Sadly, too often we get ensnared by the worldly fuels and we fill up on them...leaving us spiritually empty and eventually they can cause heart aches and leave you broken down along the roadway of life. Once this happens, we get on the prayer phone and call on God's wrecker service to give us a tow back to His garage for spiritual mending. 

Friend, GO the extra mile to fill up on God's spiritual fuel for everything in life. He can and will meet your every need in life and keep your spiritual engine running smoothly....never leaving you on empty. Trust in His care every day, moment by moment...He loved you enough to go the extra mile to Calvary, won't you go the extra mile to please Him? Have a blessed day friend.

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