Tuesday, March 21, 2017

.These are my only fellow workers for the kingdom of God who are of the circumcision; they have proved to be a comfort for me.
Colossians 4:11

Back in early January I came down with an illness that felt like the flu, and could very well have been. I was in pain, tired and just felt miserable. During that time of sickness I had a dear, sweet friend who prepared me food and stopped by on several occasions to make sure my needs were met. It was comforting to know someone out there cared enough to help me in time of need. 

Today's passage comes from the disciple Paul who was in prison for his ministry in the Lord. Beaten and chained, his future had no earthly hope. Although it was dangerous, several of his fellow friends and brothers in Christ came to visit and encourage him. Just their presence was enough to help Paul continue in his God given calling to spread the gospel from inside the prison walls.

As children of God, we should always look for opportunities to encourage and help others in need. Too often people who become sick or suffering, find themselves isolated from everyone. Isolation from human contact can make a person feel discouraged and unloved. Everyone needs some form of affection or attention. God never meant for anyone to go at life alone. When we reach out to someone, we must put aside our personal needs and fears and trust that God will work through our kind deeds and bring blessings to the person receiving our acts of service.

As you read this, I'm sure someone comes to mind in your circle of influence that needs some encouragement or help. If God places a person on your mind, He pretty much has given you the "green light" to help....and with that, His Holy Spirit will give you what's necessary to touch that life. Trust Him and seek His guidance as you go about your day ministering to others through your words and actions. Reach out to someone today. 
God bless. 

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