Thursday, March 9, 2017

Therefore the sisters sent to Him, saying, "Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick."
John 11:3

In the story of Lazarus (John 11:1-44), he is very sick and dying. In their desperation, his sisters send word to Jesus in hopes of His arrival in time to heal him. If you read the story you find Jesus was late arriving as Lazarus died. But, upon Jesus arrival He calmed the family and said Lazarus is not dead, but asleep. Jesus brought life back to Lazaus.  

Oftentimes we face a grave and dire situation. At that moment of great need we call out to Jesus for help. His help comes at the right time, not on our time table. Trusting Jesus in all matters is the key to living a confident life as a child of God. He knows the right moment when to intervene and provide the necessary help. Sometimes His delayed response gives us time to focus completely on Him. He uses that "wait" time to grow us in our faith and draw us closer to Him. 

Catch this thought...."when we are closest to God, we can then clearly see His hand working in our situation.". Until we are right up next to His presence, we won't be able to see things from His perspective and see what He is doing. 
Maybe you've called on God to help you out in a situation that is bigger than you. Trust Him in the wait time and draw closer to Him. He wants you there as close as you can get to feel His presence and see Him work. Trust me, He will correct what ever was damaged or lost from the wait time. He brought Lazarus back to life as a result of His delayed response. 

Trust Him when you call Heaven's 911. He is coming, be ready and go to Him with your request. Hold His hand through the situation and watch as He does what's best for you and glorifies Him in the process. You might not understand everything He does, but there is a purppose for it. Trust Him today with your request. God bless. 

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