Saturday, March 18, 2017

Therefore by their fruits you will know them. Matthew 7:20

In my personal opinion, this one verse is the best screening tool anyone can use when they look at associating with other people to develop friendships, businesses in pursuit of employment and churches in search of a community of believers who actively serve the Lord. Their fruits will tell just how successful, sound and welcoming they are to accept you into their company of employees, friends or church members. 

I've been around for a while now, and had the privilege to meet many people, visit a number of churches and had a few jobs in my life. I can tell you, there are a lot of good people out there, yet some so lost in self absorption and negativity. I've had jobs where employee morale was high as well as productivity and some where morale was low and functioning as a group was a daily struggle. Finally, I've visited churches where you could feel the presence of the Lord, and churches where I had to check my pulse to make sure I was the only one alive in the building. 

So where am I going with this? As everyday people, especially Christians, we want to surround ourselves with successful and positive people, jobs and a living breathing church. We tend to become a product of our surroundings. If we allow ourselves to be around negative people, morale struggling employment and a dead church, we will slowly toxify ourselves and die out with everyone else. If we find ourselves in "unfruitful" surroundings, maybe it's time for change. 

Change is not easy. It's frightening to let go of what we know and feel somewhat secure. But do you really want to continue to live in a dying environment? If you find yourself in a negative environment, CHANGE! Pray and ask God to reveal His will to make sure it's in His plans for you to change your settings. Wait til you get His approval, then put your faith and trust in Him to help guide you in a new direction. It might take some time, but in the long run it will be worth the struggle in your transition from being in unfruitful conditions to a fruitful environment. 

Lord, help me to stay close to those fruitful people in my life, be a reflection of you in my workplace and give me the courage to step out in faith as I serve you....a living, breathing child of God. Find your fruit garden and live the abundant life today. God bless. 

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