Friday, March 17, 2017

Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23

While dieting, I'm reminded of the old saying..."you are what you eat". So true, if you eating a lot of fattening foods, you'll gain weight and become sluggish and out of shape. If you eat good, healthy food, you are likely to maintain a decent weight and stay healthy. I will admit, if you truly want to eat healthy in today's world it takes a lot of discipline as they opportunities to eat junk is abundant.  

Today's bible verse pretty much sums up our spiritual journey. If you consume the world's pleasures and thought processes your heart will become burdened with the weight of the world and it will be hard to keep your spiritual focus. 

On the other hand, if you fill your mind and heart with God's word, turn off the tv and separate yourself from spiritually unhealthy things, you will feel more energized, joyful and not weighted down by the drama of life. Jesus said: ‎"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light". Matthew 11:30. 

When you consume God's word and set yourself apart from worldly standards, you will encounter a new life that can run this race called "life" with confidence knowing your joy comes from the Lord and not from the momentary pleasures of the world. The yoke of Christ is not heavy.  It will keep you in step with the Lord. Take His yoke upon you, feed your life with His nourishing wisdom and life be more rewarding and blessings will abound along the journey. Stay in His graces friend. Have a blessed day!

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