Sunday, March 5, 2017

Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face evermore! Remember His marvelous works which He has done, His wonders, and judgments of His mouth. Psalm 105:4-5

If you travel on the interstate you know maintaining the same speed for a long journey is impossible. Although you'd love to set the cruise control to 75 and get there on time, there are often delays along the route. Road construction is one of the time killers for drivers. It takes a lot of patience when traveling a long distance. 

The same is true in our lives as children of God. We seem to move along in life, then something slows our progression. Some life event such as divorce, sickness or great loss. We ask where is God in the middle of this storm. Just like those road construction delays, God is working in your life to pave a new road for you to follow. Yes, you may be waiting days, even months or years, but His construction project takes time and He ask that you be patience and remain obedient to Him. 

When I have moments of delay, I often use that time to reflect on previous delays and how God worked to bring something good out of a wreck. Every time I can recall how broken or impatient I felt...but "time is a healer" and time can do wonderous things if I just remain patient and reflect on God's goodness and strength to carry me through the delays of life. 

How's your journey? Cruising along at a good speed or caught in the middle of life's road construction? In all travels, trust Him, lean on Him, and continue in patience and trust. God is constructing something awesome for your life...make the wait time a time of thankfulness and praise to a loving God. He loves you! Have a blessed day friend and thanks for taking the time to read our blogs! 
God bless!!! 

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