Monday, March 6, 2017

Jesus said: "If you love Me, keep my commandments."

Yesterday late afternoon I got home and started working on things at the house, when my daughter called and asked if I wanted to meet her at a store and entertain my grandson while she shopped. Without hesitation is said YES and stopped everything I was doing to go meet her. Why? Because I love my daughter and that sweet grandson. 

Love prompts us to do things, change our schedules and oftentimes give up our time, money and personal pleasures all because we love someone. As children of God our love for Him and what Jesus did on our behalf should create in us a deep seeded love. Our love for the Lord should turn us away from sinful actions and avoid places that do not glorify our God. 

Jesus said...if you love me, obey my commandments. Do you love Him enough to live out an obedient life for Christ? If you struggle with sin (and we all do), ask God to help strengthen your relationship with Him. Recall all that He has done for you, especially His son Jesus Christ who gave his life so you could enter the throne room of grace. 

When we love God enough, we will walk in line with His will and remain obedient no matter how strong the temptation appears to be at that moment. Thank Him, praise Him and pray to Him....He loves you, won't you love Him back? Have a blessed day.

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