Tuesday, March 14, 2017

And He said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?" Then the man said, "The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I ate." Genesis 3:11-12

Ah yes, the story of Adam and Eve, God's first created humans on earth, and their very first sin....eating fruit from a tree God forbid them to partake. The woman encountered Satan in the garden of Eden and he smoothly convinced her to eat from the forbidden tree. Not only did she eat from it, she took the fruit to her husband and convinced him to eat as well. Wham, bam...there you have our first sin. In today's passage, God confronts Adam for his sinful action.

From the beginning of time, man has found someone to blame for His wrongful actions. Most often, a man will find a way to tie his sin to his spouse or significant other. No one likes to stand alone in their guilt...I believe that's why Eve brought the forbidden fruit for Adam to eat. As a human race, we find it difficult to admit guilt of  our own doing...we like to bring others into the fold of guilt and shame. Especially for us men, we hide in shame when accused and don't like the negative consequences of our wrongful actions. 

Men, we need to "think" before we act. Adam had to be thinking in the back of his mind...eating this fruit is wrong. He saw his wife eat it and overlooked all reason and God's instructions to avoid the fruit, and he ate the same sin as Eve. Men, stand up to the wrongs of life and the influences of others....even if it's your spouse. Just because those you love falter, doesn't mean you have to follow suit. Be the man of God He created you to be, a leader, a God fearing man and one to say "NO" when all others are saying "yes". The buck has to stop somewhere, let it stop with the "head of the house". When you do falter, don't blame your spouse...accept your guilt, confess and move forward in life.  

The blame game is for sissys. Men, do right the first time and you'll carry NO guilt or shame. It's time the men of this world follow the narrow path of Christian living and say no to the forbidden fruits of life. God created us in His image, reflect the goodness and righteousness of Him every day. Stay in the word and pray often throughout the day...God is looking for men of obedience to change the world around them. Rise up today men and be the Godly creature he designed you to be for His glory. Amen. 
Have a blessed day! 

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