Thursday, March 23, 2017

For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more; Indeed, you will look carefully for his place, But it shall be no more. Psalm 37:10

For a teenager, one "zit" on the face can have devastating effects on that day's outlook. It consumes their mind and tarnishes their self confidence....worried what others will think about their appearance. They want to look the images on many fashion magazines....perfect skin, hair just right and of course that perfectly shaped body. But, after a few days, that zit slowly fades away. You look and look again...."where did it go?". Whew...confidence restored, maybe I can get a date this weekend. Lol....the pressures of teenagers. 

For adults, we seem to encounter these people "monsters" in our life at church, workplace or maybe even next door. They are rude, negative and always grouchy...and possibly have you targeted for their grief and misery. It seems like they disrupt your quiet, safe little world. You pray they'd simply go away. Then one day, they are gone. They either got fired, moved or decided to pick on someone else. Praise the Lord you say and trust in better days. 

Is there someone in your life today that is causing you grief? Just like a teenager's zit, they influence your entire day's outlook and all you want to do is run away and hide? Hang in there friend! Lift them up in prayer and ask God to give you the strength to stand strong in your faith and not let them influence your day. He that is in YOU is greater than he that is in the world. Your zit monster will eventually go away one day if you have patience and trust God in answering your prayers. We aren't promised a perfect world, so don't think each day will run smooth. No matter how rocky the road is, God can smooth out those brief moments of grief. Stay in prayer and lean on Him for strength. 

Don't let the zit monster take away your joy! Cover it with the Lords help and proceed with joy! Eventually he/she  will go away....keep the faith! God bless. 

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