Thursday, March 2, 2017

    For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

This very familiar passage sums up the truth about God and His son, Jesus Christ, and what He did for every human on earth. Let's break it down. 

God created everything in the world and universe, including you. Every aspect, characteristic and talent was purposed for your life. Although you might think you have a flaw or disability, God has a purpose in everything...he created you not with a mistake, but a purpose. Have you found your calling, His purpose for your life? Seek out His will for your life. No matter your age, He still has a purpose for your existence...even at 98 years old (right grandma!)! 

God loves you. Yet because of your sin, He cannot commune with you. There has to be an atonement for your sin. That atonement was through Jesus Christ death and resurrection three days later. Jesus paid your sin debt. A "bridge" was created so you could connect to God through His Holy Spirit who resides within every person who believes in Jesus and lives daily for Him.

Once you accept Jesus Christ into your life, His Spirit lives inside of are a Child of God from that moment forward into all eternity. Have you received Him into your life? If not, call upon Him and receive His love, goodness and sweet Spirit. Your life in Him has a purpose and eternal plan to glorify His kingdom. Seek it out today and thank Him for the plan He has for your life. 
God bless.

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