Tuesday, March 7, 2017

But the path of the just is like the shining sun, That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.
Proverbs 4:18

Studies have been done that show areas of the United States,that have limited sun light, result in depressed people. Other areas where sunshine is abundant, people are more happy and positive. Light has a positive effect on the human spirit. I personally can attest to this study...I feel much happier when it's sunny vs. when it's overcast. 

Want some sunshine in your life....even on cloudy days? Follow closely with the Lord. Your actions don't get you saved, it's your belief and trust in Jesus Christ. Once saved, God blesses His children who stay close to Him through obedient living. A car space opens up, someone just happens to be at the door to open it when you are carrying a lot of boxes, someone mysteriously buys your meal or you come up 7 cents short, only to look down and find the exact change laying on the floor. These things have happened in my life, and I truly believe they were God's blessings. It's the little blessings that open up the clouds and let some light shine on me that make it a better day. 

External circumstances should not rob our joy...but sometimes the difficulties in life do affect us. Our attitude, focus and overall well being can be influenced in a moment. Put your trust in the Lord friend and walk closely with Him. He will bless you and help you through those rainy, cloud covered days when nothing seems to go right. Be alert to His little blessings and THANK HIM often. Your awarness and thankfulness stoke the fire of His goodness and turn a moment of grief into a day of joy.

Walk in obedience today friend and find the clouds break and the sunshine comes through to brighten your day. There is no other place I'd want to be than right by Jesus side. Walk with Him today and love life....He blessed you with it....shine bright for Him. God bless. 

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