Wednesday, March 8, 2017

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

If you've known me for any length of time, you know I love to cook. Of course I love to eat. I took a cooking class in Jr High School...many years ago, and since then I've been cooking up something. Oftentimes I will take a recipe and add other ingredients. To someone standing there watching, might question my mixture.

Oftentimes God creates a mixture of traits in people that might not be exactly what we, as humans, would call perfection. But God, He has a plan and purpose for each person He created. You might question the way some people come into this world...but I tell you...HE ALLOWED that life to be formed in the womb, so never discredit any life. His mixture of personality traits are unique to that person. No other person has the same genetic makeup, personality forth. 

There might be someone you know who is considered "not normal" or possibly difficult to deal with....the list is endless. We must not discredit someone. God calls us to love everyone, including our enemies. Do you find it difficult to love some of God's creation? Ask Him to remove the judgmental spirit from your heart so you can love even the most vile person. God has a plan for each person....learn to love and not question His works. That aggrivating person or disabled child might just be the one thing that keeps you in close contact with God throughout the day. Again, He has a purpose for everyone. 

You might not like what God has cooked up, just know that all things and people work together for the good of those who love Him! Do you love Him? If so, trust Him, love others and be the sweet morsel of God's love and grace to those around you. Life will have more meaning and peace as you go about your every day. 
God bless!

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