Monday, March 27, 2017

 But at midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Acts 16:25

"Hey, you look nice today", "Great job", "you are an awesome person". Praise, it gets our attention. We like it when someone takes a moment to give us praise or compliment us. Praise makes everything bad that's happened seem to dissolve and our spirit is uplifted. 

God is no different, He loves to be praised! As a child of God, we need to understand 2 concepts...1. This world is NOT our home. We are just here for a little while to serve God and follow His will for our life. 2. We will encounter trouble in this life. As foreigners in this land, are vulnerable to Satan's attacks either by personal circumstances or from other people. Until you reach Heaven, life on this side of eternity won't be expect trouble. 

Paul and Silas were beaten with rods because of their testimony about Christ. Beaten and shackled by their feet, they laid in a prison cell with pain. But, at the midnight hour, a spirit of worship came over them...praising God and singing hymns. They got God's attention. When God showed up the prison walls shook and doors were opened, chains fell off. At that moment, prisoners and the guard came to know Christ 

Where are you in your walk with the Lord? Is His presence in your life obvious to those around you? Maybe you are suffering because of your faith. Praise God regardless. Call out to Him with thankfulness and praise. He will respond with His healing hand and comfort you in the midnight hour. God can use any circumstance to bring glory to Himself. All He needs is an obedient child ready to ignite the flame of praise and let His fire consume all the bad around you. Praise God today and see the troubles of life turn to ashes. Have a blessed day!!!

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