Wednesday, March 29, 2017

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

When working on the farm, we utilized a John Deere Gator. This 4 wheel drive vehicle would take me through the most rough terrain, muddiest ground and even cross a creek and drive up and over the steep bank. I always knew I could get around the farm in this vehicle regardless of the environmental conditions.

Life can be just as challenging to navigate. Each of us wants assurance we can get from sun-up to sun-down without much effort and pain. But the reality is, life is not easy. Disappointments, challenges, heartaches, stresses and the worries, each day can bring, make you feel stuck...spinning your wheels going no where. 

Friend, climb aboard God's vessel and have the assurance He will see you through each day. Yes, the days forecast may not always be sunny, but with God, you can have the assurance that He will carry you through each obstacle and breakdown in life with His overwhelming power to overcome the greatest obstacle.  He is larger than life and the ground in which you walk. Why not put your faith and trust in Him today? He has your back and loves you. 

Climb aboard the "over-comer", He is ready and capable of taking you through this day. Get on board with God!
Have a blessed day.

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